So you want to be a Beast Master

I love the Beast Master class. I know it is objectively in contention for worst kit and really doesn't deliver on the narrative element, but I have the most fun playing it. Maybe I lack imagination/patience when it comes to playing a mage and rely on the planetar to clear enemies...anyway, I wouldn't be averse to any improvements in the class (I know the developers will read this of course) (an animal companion/totemic druid summon ability/more spells/bounty hunter traps - lots of things that would be cool).
I digress. Orion is a human Beast Master. Rolled up on BG:EE. I rolled through that game quickly for the tomes, experience, and bhaalspawn abilities before importing into BG2:EE. So he's got some nice stats. But heaven knows the kit has a lot of weaknesses I'll be looking to overcome or sneak around.
My goal is soloing with no reloads to see how far I can get.
Emerging from Irenicus' dungeon, I lucked out a little with random loot drops and found myself with a lot of cash. Great for a Beast Master...oh wait, they can't really buy any useful items. That said, I was able to get a Ring of Air Control and a Reflection Shield (after completing the circus side quest). In thinking about the early game, I am painfully aware of the poor saves (particularly vs spells) but on the plus side having loads of HP. So my early focus is on straight up fights, avoiding mages.
I rushed through the Kalah circus incident first - nice experience drops from the genie and Aerie. I sneaked through the area with lots of shadows and werewolf illusions and then focused on Kalah to kill him quick. I sold the Ring of Human Influence as my charisma was 16 and money really wasn't going to be my problem with this class. Going well so far. Off to the Slums next. I sneaked through the animal pits, leaving them alone to focus on my nemesis Beastmaster. Easily dispatched, I used the Ring of Air Control to turn invisible and escape the pit without any animals being harmed in the process. Got some nice cash from the first part of the Slavers quest and realised Joluv has next to nothing for me. I feel the Beast Master limitations - no spears or daggers or!?
I then gird myself for my first mage encounter. I know I'll be ambushed when I leave to get the potion case from the Watcher's Keep. I use the Ring of Air Control to turn invisible, then move back to summon some animals. I draw the fighters in with my war dogs who also attract a Lightning Bolt from the mage. The spell I'm really nervous about is Horror. Anyway, my Reflection Shield comes in handy as the enemy archers kill themselves while I focus on melee. Having removed the physical threats, I feel comfortable knowing the mage cannot damage me enough with magic given my high hit points if I fail the 50:50 coin flip on saving against Horror. It doesn't matter and I finish him off.
A trip to the shops later, another ambush to start the Harpers quest, and I've got the gold needed to save Imoen. I give it to Aran, getting the Silver Amulet and Ring of Protection +2 for my troubles - well worth the gold. At level 9, I've cleared some of the easy early parts of the game, progressed to Chapter 3, and now need to make some choices about which quest next. At this point time for a break. I know I am best served by going to the Trademeet for all the lovely items there, but I'm worried about beating the Rakshasa so maybe I need to do a few things first.
I digress. Orion is a human Beast Master. Rolled up on BG:EE. I rolled through that game quickly for the tomes, experience, and bhaalspawn abilities before importing into BG2:EE. So he's got some nice stats. But heaven knows the kit has a lot of weaknesses I'll be looking to overcome or sneak around.
My goal is soloing with no reloads to see how far I can get.
Emerging from Irenicus' dungeon, I lucked out a little with random loot drops and found myself with a lot of cash. Great for a Beast Master...oh wait, they can't really buy any useful items. That said, I was able to get a Ring of Air Control and a Reflection Shield (after completing the circus side quest). In thinking about the early game, I am painfully aware of the poor saves (particularly vs spells) but on the plus side having loads of HP. So my early focus is on straight up fights, avoiding mages.
I rushed through the Kalah circus incident first - nice experience drops from the genie and Aerie. I sneaked through the area with lots of shadows and werewolf illusions and then focused on Kalah to kill him quick. I sold the Ring of Human Influence as my charisma was 16 and money really wasn't going to be my problem with this class. Going well so far. Off to the Slums next. I sneaked through the animal pits, leaving them alone to focus on my nemesis Beastmaster. Easily dispatched, I used the Ring of Air Control to turn invisible and escape the pit without any animals being harmed in the process. Got some nice cash from the first part of the Slavers quest and realised Joluv has next to nothing for me. I feel the Beast Master limitations - no spears or daggers or!?
I then gird myself for my first mage encounter. I know I'll be ambushed when I leave to get the potion case from the Watcher's Keep. I use the Ring of Air Control to turn invisible, then move back to summon some animals. I draw the fighters in with my war dogs who also attract a Lightning Bolt from the mage. The spell I'm really nervous about is Horror. Anyway, my Reflection Shield comes in handy as the enemy archers kill themselves while I focus on melee. Having removed the physical threats, I feel comfortable knowing the mage cannot damage me enough with magic given my high hit points if I fail the 50:50 coin flip on saving against Horror. It doesn't matter and I finish him off.
A trip to the shops later, another ambush to start the Harpers quest, and I've got the gold needed to save Imoen. I give it to Aran, getting the Silver Amulet and Ring of Protection +2 for my troubles - well worth the gold. At level 9, I've cleared some of the easy early parts of the game, progressed to Chapter 3, and now need to make some choices about which quest next. At this point time for a break. I know I am best served by going to the Trademeet for all the lovely items there, but I'm worried about beating the Rakshasa so maybe I need to do a few things first.
I then decided it was time to fight some mages, leaning heavily into the Ring of Air Control Improved Invisibility. I activated it indoors and then went to fight Xzar's apprentices. Their spells can only be cast if they can target so they just stood around as I pummelled them. I felt more confident about mages now. I finished the harper quest granting me a staff spear - it was just nice to wander round carrying a spear as a Beast Master. This IS living, I thought to myself.
I went back to the slum sewers, planning to use the Ring of Air Control to avoid Hobgoblin Shaman Hold spells. So I had to go back and forth several times, including when entering the slave compound. The Reflection Shield helped a bunch and my encounter with the 2 trolls gave me confidence I could upgrade my items a bit in the Druid Grove. So off I went, making my way through the trolls, but leaving the band of druids reluctant to follow Faldorn alone. I used my summons and arrows to take down the group outside Faldorn's hq, remembering to use the Ring of Air Control to avoid the druid spells. And won Gnasher - great little weapon! I purchased the Aegis Hide for confusion protection, returned to dispatch the Myconids, and piecemeal took down the trolls in the troll mound. Giant Trolls are ridiculous - they hit hard, fast, and only generate the same exp as normal trolls it makes no sense. I almost died to the Spirit Troll draining my strength, but an Invisibility potion saved my bacon. And I almost died to the 3 Giant Trolls who wouldn't be easily separated. Rough. I decided to give the Rakshasa a go though. I summoned some bears to distracts the 2 other Rakshasa teleporting in and sucker punched the potion seller...that wasn't very nice of me. Gnasher did its work with the repeat piercing damage disrupting spells. And I took the group down pretty easily - not sure what I was worrying about!
This was great for levelling me up. I bought Blackblood, the Belt of Inertial Barrier, and got the Shield of Harmony - at last, no need to worry so much about mages! Such a great shield.
Time to get my dog companion. I used a Protection from Undead scroll to roll through the Temple Ruins. The 3 Blade Golems were tough, but some retreating and healing potions got me through it. It felt a bit mean taking down the helpless Shade Lord. Following this was the gruelling Ranger Stronghold quests and all their bugs. I hate it. But eventually got through it for Cerebus. Love this guy - I know feel like a Beast Master with an animal companion. Especially using his True Sight to reveal Neb and other invisible foes. Worth noting it is best to activate his buffs before you see an enemy as he'll stop doing what you want to do what he wants (Mirror Image, etc.). Naughty dog. The Healing Lick is very useful as well!
Around this point, the game felt like it got significantly easier. My equipment was better and I'd reached level 13 for the bonus half attack. I took this opportunity to do a bunch of quests - finishing up the Trademeet side quests, finding the Mimic blood, the Shadow Thief quests, and the Temple side quests. I also picked up Kithix - his web special ability is so good and I never knew about it till this run through - paralysing for 2 turns, no magic resistance, amazing.
I had a rough time on the Fallen Paladins and had to run round and round a building, firing arrows to get through them, having taken lots of hits in melee. My now abundant confidence led to a potential bad choice - I went into the Bridge District to fight that high level but poorly equipped group. I used Tuigan's Bow and Acid Arrows to take down the mage pretty easily. I retreated to heal up before finishing the rest off. Not that bad and luckily my over confidence wasn't a trap this time!
I went on a spending spree to buy Vhailor's Helm, Balduran's Shield, the Staff of Rhynn and other bits and bobs. Not much more I can spend money on, although I was eyeing up the Arrows of Dispelling from the Fletcher in Waukeen's Promenade. For the moment, I decided to pick on the rude dwarf and his gang in one of the inns there. I used Vhailor's Helm and double Cerebus to blow through them. Taking advantage of Orion's Darts of Stunning, while Orion 2 went ham with clubs.
That felt like enough for now. It is only the thorny quests left with lots of magic users. I reckon I'll go do the Temple quest next for that Cloak of the Sewers. Plus a Protection from Undead scroll and Balduran's Shield will make it a cakewalk bar the group of priests. And then probably time to rescue Imoen rather than doing Windspear Hills, the Planar Prison, or the Planar Sphere. So far so good - the Beast Master solo is going well!
Not the best choice of class true, but very memorable and great alongside Jaheira, Cernd (MVP) and Minsc as a nature loving party.
I got really sick of magical clubs by the end of it though...
Haha, yep, I always come back to the nature lovers. Bit of a shame there isn't more variety in gear - gnashet, tansherons bow and that's me haha!
Made it throne of bhaal and Amkethran before heading to the Watcher's Keep. My demise nearly came on level 2 when the Giant Snake stunned me - no saving throw tested as far as I could tell so I'd be really interested to know how it's bite works. Luckily I recovered and was able to take it out with arrows.
But my reprieve would not last for long - om level 3, I came across the Blood War demon group. Even though my save vs spells was -3, it was able to stun me. Not sure how...this demon has stopped a previous run before with inst kill attacks so he's fast becoming my nemesis.
Some of the highlights before I got there were using the mustard jelly form to defeat Tolgerias and Irenicus handily.
Darts of Stunning on Fire Giants proved really effective.
Wandering round the underarm with winter wolves pumping out ice attacks was surprisingly good.
Generally relying on arrows of biting to poison enemies. And buying arrows of dispelling were so great, especially for removing haste from dragons.
Reflections on the kit:
I don't know what it is, but it is just such a fun kit. Yes there are some painful and odd restrictions, and some of the harder encounters at the end of ToB are very tough for me.
But I think the kit has a lot going for it as long as you don't want variety in your weapon choices. Animal summoning III is surprisingly effective as long as you don't use it with mage fights.
You can be a very effective archer even if you are no Archer. Arrows of biting, dispelling and acid give you a lot of power over mage fights. You have no shield limitations - shields are great!
Gnashing and Blackblood are very good weapons, and you can get them early. There are lots of better weapons out there but they do what they need to just fine and got me through most fight easily.
Stealth is super useful when you're lower level.
The HP is great, but the AC is crap...
Any tips on bearing Tahazzar welcome!