Goliath and Victoria

Goliath and Victoria
For my next Bhaalspawn run, I am once again creating two characters. Very uncommon for me, a male/female pair that are not and will not be an actual couple. Let’s meet the team!
Goliath is the ward of Gorion. He’s one of the few Halflings living in Candlekeep. He grew up as the spoiled child for being impossibly cute and loved by all the older women in residence. But that has not noticeably damaged his character too much, Gorion was a strict but loving parent and Goliath has reached young adulthood as a decent and morally centered man. He has struggled with a dark anger at times, something Gorion took note of and has gone to great lengths to help the halfling with. Several different teachers and advisors have given Goliath the personal resources to come to grips, to control and channel that wrath. And indeed, Goliath is not a slave to any dark passions.
Almost unnoticed until recently (few halflings around for comparison!), Goliath has grown to be a huge Halfling. He stands an inch over 4’. And he is thick, built more like a Dwarf. But with the softer (and less hairy!) features of a halfling. He’s also stronger than most men in Candlekeep by a wide margin. This all led to him training as a fighter as he came of age. Actually, with his nature and training he is a Berserker. His instructors first tried training him in long sword use, but at his height he always found it awkward, more like a two-handed weapon. Everything came into place when he switched to short sword as his main weapon. He’s working on dual wielding them, but for now still carries a shield (will switch to dual wielding at 3rd level).
Gorion has informed Goliath they have a special errand to run, outside the keep this evening. This is different! Goliath has never been outside before. Something new to tell Imoen about!
Goliath is a NG Halfling Berserker. 17-18-18-14-11-15. Specialized in short sword and dual wielding.
Victoria is visiting Candlekeep on a research assignment from the Temple of Torm in Waterdeep. She is a Paladin/Inquisitor in her late 30s. She grew up as the daughter of a semi-independent lord (self proclaimed Baron, but paid fealty to the Duke of Daggerford) with his own small castle and army. Her father had been a successful adventurer and sometimes companion of Gorion. Victoria was the second born child, her father was grooming an older sister to inherit the land and “title”. There was a younger brother Victoria was never close to. She still remembers meeting Gorion on several occasions, the last time being right before she headed off for her own training in Waterdeep about 20 years ago. She remembers her father saying he’d seen “horrible things” on that adventure, and he became extra concerned with security afterwards. But then Victoria left and she saw little impact of it for herself.
Victoria entered training well aware of her wealth and heritage, but determined to fight for the safety of good people trying to live their lives in peace. She carried on her father’s passion for opposing evil magic wherever it arose. She is a big woman, but beautiful and fit. She looks the part of a mighty warrior; and indeed, training came easily to her. Victoria enjoyed physical work, sparring, jousting and competing in all things physical. She worked for the temple, and even adventured some. But then one dark day, 15 years ago now, a messenger came informing her that her parents and older sister had been killed in a raid on their home. And by her brother’s order, she was never allowed to return under threat of arrest.
This shattered the young paladin. She sank into melancholy and stopped adventuring. She requested more monk-like duties involving prayer and asceticism. When she came out of her grieving, five years ago, she sought more priestly work, especially involving research of prophecies regarding this current dark age. Which is what finally led her to Candlekeep. Not only the great library, but the place founded by Alaundo. It was bittersweet to find this was now Gorion’s residence. She bumped into him accidently and they spent much time catching up, he knew little of the tragedy that had befallen her family and could offer no insight into her brother’s hostility beyond the obvious (she could argue a better claim to inheritance than he could). She met his ward Goliath and found him to be a likable and decent sort.
This morning Gorion informed her he would be leaving the keep this evening with Goliath, and he feared Goliath’s young friend Imoen would make some trouble with them heading out. “Could you please keep an eye on the child while I’m out. I don’t know what she might do, but she and Goliath have been close friends these last few years. And Imoen has a bit of rascal in her.” Okay, you need to meet this Imoen. And get ready for trouble? What does rascal mean anyway? If he’s leaving this could mean anything, so you’ll need to get armed and armored. Which led to a return of melancholy looking at your armor. You’d had it made when you were wealthy; richly blued full plate with a line of ruby inlays from the neck down between the breasts to the waist where it formed a belt line all the way around. It’s a stylized representation of father’s battle standard. It should still fit…
Victoria is a Human Inquisitor, 3rd Level. 18/05-16-18-10-15-18. Mastery of 2-handed Sword and specialized in Quarter Staff.
Her strength is less exceptional than it would have been 15 years ago. She has kept herself fit, but with less vigor than when she was more active. The sword mastery is a minor cheat, but is representative of the drive and competitiveness she once had.
A few thoughts.
As an older gamer, I find I like older characters than the original BG story allows for. So I often like adding someone with some more milage on them. That does lead to the minor problem of keeping an older character lower level, which means there needs to be some reason why they aren’t extremely active in their profession. It doesn’t need to be a big thing, maybe just a mundane career before the extraordinary adventure. But I often like a little bit of tragedy in their past. It makes the character more interesting for me.
I did also cheat in a suit of full plate armor and a +1 two-handed sword for Victoria; she comes from serious money and has adventured before. I think she will likely keep the armor all the way through SoD? There isn’t much better in the first game and that may go to others.
This beginning is a little different for me with one principle character who really doesn’t know the other two. I don’t imagine it causing any particular problems or issues, but it impacts my role playing a little.
I’ve certainly played halflings before, often as fighter/thieves. But I don’t think I’ve ever made one as “Gorion’s Ward” before? I had no appropriate halfling portraits in my folder and it took some searching to find one I liked! (Too many look too childish). I’m pleased with my Goliath character!
Similarly for Victoria, I’m not sure if I’ve run an Inquisitor in the first game before? I’ve often used Keldorn in BG2, but I was wondering how his class would do in BG1. So she’s sort of a Keldorn replacement. Of course that means no Keldorn in BG2 this time. Who to choose instead…
Initially, I expect to recruit Khalid, Jaheira and Neera. But I’m not sure from there. I usually leave Khalid behind in Beregost (any character who’s battle cry is “my heart’s really not in this” doesn’t need to come along!) and expect I’ll replace him with Branwen. Then I might replace her with Yeslik? Maybe. I also might boot Neera and dual Imoen to mage, then I’d recruit Alora or Safana for thief. It may come to actual levels when I encounter the others.
For my next Bhaalspawn run, I am once again creating two characters. Very uncommon for me, a male/female pair that are not and will not be an actual couple. Let’s meet the team!
Goliath is the ward of Gorion. He’s one of the few Halflings living in Candlekeep. He grew up as the spoiled child for being impossibly cute and loved by all the older women in residence. But that has not noticeably damaged his character too much, Gorion was a strict but loving parent and Goliath has reached young adulthood as a decent and morally centered man. He has struggled with a dark anger at times, something Gorion took note of and has gone to great lengths to help the halfling with. Several different teachers and advisors have given Goliath the personal resources to come to grips, to control and channel that wrath. And indeed, Goliath is not a slave to any dark passions.
Almost unnoticed until recently (few halflings around for comparison!), Goliath has grown to be a huge Halfling. He stands an inch over 4’. And he is thick, built more like a Dwarf. But with the softer (and less hairy!) features of a halfling. He’s also stronger than most men in Candlekeep by a wide margin. This all led to him training as a fighter as he came of age. Actually, with his nature and training he is a Berserker. His instructors first tried training him in long sword use, but at his height he always found it awkward, more like a two-handed weapon. Everything came into place when he switched to short sword as his main weapon. He’s working on dual wielding them, but for now still carries a shield (will switch to dual wielding at 3rd level).
Gorion has informed Goliath they have a special errand to run, outside the keep this evening. This is different! Goliath has never been outside before. Something new to tell Imoen about!
Goliath is a NG Halfling Berserker. 17-18-18-14-11-15. Specialized in short sword and dual wielding.
Victoria is visiting Candlekeep on a research assignment from the Temple of Torm in Waterdeep. She is a Paladin/Inquisitor in her late 30s. She grew up as the daughter of a semi-independent lord (self proclaimed Baron, but paid fealty to the Duke of Daggerford) with his own small castle and army. Her father had been a successful adventurer and sometimes companion of Gorion. Victoria was the second born child, her father was grooming an older sister to inherit the land and “title”. There was a younger brother Victoria was never close to. She still remembers meeting Gorion on several occasions, the last time being right before she headed off for her own training in Waterdeep about 20 years ago. She remembers her father saying he’d seen “horrible things” on that adventure, and he became extra concerned with security afterwards. But then Victoria left and she saw little impact of it for herself.
Victoria entered training well aware of her wealth and heritage, but determined to fight for the safety of good people trying to live their lives in peace. She carried on her father’s passion for opposing evil magic wherever it arose. She is a big woman, but beautiful and fit. She looks the part of a mighty warrior; and indeed, training came easily to her. Victoria enjoyed physical work, sparring, jousting and competing in all things physical. She worked for the temple, and even adventured some. But then one dark day, 15 years ago now, a messenger came informing her that her parents and older sister had been killed in a raid on their home. And by her brother’s order, she was never allowed to return under threat of arrest.
This shattered the young paladin. She sank into melancholy and stopped adventuring. She requested more monk-like duties involving prayer and asceticism. When she came out of her grieving, five years ago, she sought more priestly work, especially involving research of prophecies regarding this current dark age. Which is what finally led her to Candlekeep. Not only the great library, but the place founded by Alaundo. It was bittersweet to find this was now Gorion’s residence. She bumped into him accidently and they spent much time catching up, he knew little of the tragedy that had befallen her family and could offer no insight into her brother’s hostility beyond the obvious (she could argue a better claim to inheritance than he could). She met his ward Goliath and found him to be a likable and decent sort.
This morning Gorion informed her he would be leaving the keep this evening with Goliath, and he feared Goliath’s young friend Imoen would make some trouble with them heading out. “Could you please keep an eye on the child while I’m out. I don’t know what she might do, but she and Goliath have been close friends these last few years. And Imoen has a bit of rascal in her.” Okay, you need to meet this Imoen. And get ready for trouble? What does rascal mean anyway? If he’s leaving this could mean anything, so you’ll need to get armed and armored. Which led to a return of melancholy looking at your armor. You’d had it made when you were wealthy; richly blued full plate with a line of ruby inlays from the neck down between the breasts to the waist where it formed a belt line all the way around. It’s a stylized representation of father’s battle standard. It should still fit…
Victoria is a Human Inquisitor, 3rd Level. 18/05-16-18-10-15-18. Mastery of 2-handed Sword and specialized in Quarter Staff.
Her strength is less exceptional than it would have been 15 years ago. She has kept herself fit, but with less vigor than when she was more active. The sword mastery is a minor cheat, but is representative of the drive and competitiveness she once had.
A few thoughts.
As an older gamer, I find I like older characters than the original BG story allows for. So I often like adding someone with some more milage on them. That does lead to the minor problem of keeping an older character lower level, which means there needs to be some reason why they aren’t extremely active in their profession. It doesn’t need to be a big thing, maybe just a mundane career before the extraordinary adventure. But I often like a little bit of tragedy in their past. It makes the character more interesting for me.
I did also cheat in a suit of full plate armor and a +1 two-handed sword for Victoria; she comes from serious money and has adventured before. I think she will likely keep the armor all the way through SoD? There isn’t much better in the first game and that may go to others.
This beginning is a little different for me with one principle character who really doesn’t know the other two. I don’t imagine it causing any particular problems or issues, but it impacts my role playing a little.
I’ve certainly played halflings before, often as fighter/thieves. But I don’t think I’ve ever made one as “Gorion’s Ward” before? I had no appropriate halfling portraits in my folder and it took some searching to find one I liked! (Too many look too childish). I’m pleased with my Goliath character!
Similarly for Victoria, I’m not sure if I’ve run an Inquisitor in the first game before? I’ve often used Keldorn in BG2, but I was wondering how his class would do in BG1. So she’s sort of a Keldorn replacement. Of course that means no Keldorn in BG2 this time. Who to choose instead…
Initially, I expect to recruit Khalid, Jaheira and Neera. But I’m not sure from there. I usually leave Khalid behind in Beregost (any character who’s battle cry is “my heart’s really not in this” doesn’t need to come along!) and expect I’ll replace him with Branwen. Then I might replace her with Yeslik? Maybe. I also might boot Neera and dual Imoen to mage, then I’d recruit Alora or Safana for thief. It may come to actual levels when I encounter the others.
I'm thinking the plan now is to work my up the eastern map first. Once I get to Alora (Gullykin) I'll recruit her, send Neera off and dual Imoen to mage.
Jaheira is my "other" front ranker, but she is clearly less effective. Alora is still sort of the new team member, but I have her as a Fighter/Thief short bow specialist. I expect she'll also rake in a big share of kills as we continue. Imoen just reached 5th level mage, so I'm looking forward to the occasional Fireball!
I'm still planning on replacing Branwen with Yeslick when I get to him, He's one I've not used with NPC Project yet so I'm interested in seeing his banter.
But funny thing, Imoen was my only mage and you loose her at the start of SoD! As I've mentioned before, even though she was a 9th level mage at the end, I'll assume she was at a dead end. Those 5th spells only barely made any sense to her, so she needed some proper training time to advance any further. But that did mean, no mage at all in the opening dungeon.
And then the party breaks up. Jaheira, Alora and Yeslick went off to places unkown [I'll need to see if anyone has a Yeslick or Alora mod for BG2!]. Victoria has come to feel quite fond of Goliath and Imoen and will stick with them. I very much see her as a warmer character in the Jaheira role. Aunty Victoria...
Time to recruit some new allies before heading up north to face the Crusade. I remember Minsc from Nashkell and his witch, Dynaheir, I rescued from those gnolls. So I head to the Three Kegs and recruit them. When I'm their, I also meet a half-elven cleric/thief by the name of Fiona who wants to come along (A character of my own creation, added via switching to multi-player and importing her. She's NG 12/18/16/11/18/15).
I will recruit Corwin when we head out, and that will be my party for this part of the adventure.
Heading into BG2 now. Fiona ran off on her own business before we were all captured, she was a good contributor in SoD but I'd rather have NPCs who come with story. So Goliath will start with Victoria, Imoen, Minsc, Jaheira and then shortly Yoshimo. We'll see how this goes, it takes a little time to rebuild after loosing so much at the beginning of the next game. Goliath looses the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, which is a big hit for him. Victoria, with her 19 strength, won't loose so much.
Just had one. I have D'Arnise Keep as a Stronghold (I have the multiple Strongholds tweak, so there are others). I was just getting ready to leave there after doing some business, and decided I'd rest before heading out. I was ambushed by bandits, who threatened Jaheira. I negotiated to switch places, which led to Goliath taking a big hit (70 points damage or so) before general combat broke out.
So huh. Maybe I rest outside so rarely in this game I still haven't had all of those encounters? Is it tied to the keep in some way? It *felt* like it could be tied to Jaheira's romance, but I'm clearly romancing Aerie and I long ago had to choose between them. Made me wonder if both romances were active (like the multiple strongholds)? Aerie's "Lovetalk" variable is at 47, Jaheira's is at 29. Sounds like both are running?! Strange, I've not had this happen before. I've clearly had some talks with Jaheira I don't recall, made me wonder if we were on some alternate "friend" path. But its all pretty strange right now!
I’m finishing up in Athkatla, doing the unseeing Eye now. Then Planar Prison; and the mage/cleric/Paladin/fighter strongholds. Last thing will be a round of Lich hunts before I go back to the graveyard. This is a very fun part of the game to me, powerful and clearing up loose ends.
Still not quite sure what’s going on with the romances. Aerie is definitely active, I would clearly say she is Goliath’s gal. But Jaheira may not have gotten the message? We’ll see how this goes.
I will continue to treat it just as a good friendship. Hopefully at some point that will end it less traumatically?
Currently I'm done with all of SoA, but haven't started the endgame at Suldanesslar. Rather, I'm doing Watcher's Keep and have just entered the 5th (Final Seal) Level. So I expect I'll get back to finish off Irenicus by Saturday.
For the characters...
Goliath and Aerie are quite happy together. Both relish having something to protect and something to live for. I believe they'd both say that life is good, in spite of a difficult current reality.
Victoria has also rediscovered herself in a way. She feels alive doing the hard fight for the good cause. Goliath may be the clear team leader, and best fighter. But Victoria is the muscle. She hits hard, and particularly can destroy an evil mage or lich like no one else. For now she's not thought beyond getting her young friends Goliath and Aerie the life they both want. But I've got an idea percolating on what her future holds...
Jaheira has just started dual wielding scimitars. She's another hard hitting warrior. Dang I like this party! She has contented herself in a maternal role towards Goliath and Imoen.
Speaking of Imoen, she is also determined to fight by her brother's side. She has, these last few weeks, taken point on the team's dealings with the Cowled Wizards. She sort of loves the irony of now being far beyond them in pure power. She's starting to plan some pranks to pull on them later; funny things like making all their money disappear.
Skie may be Imoen's co-conspirator on this. But for now is equally committed to standing by Goliath. Fun will wait for later.
In the end, Goliath caused 37% of the carnage. I think he was scarier than the halflings in the planar sphere! Victoria was next with around 30%, much higher in the first game.
The total adventure took about 7 months, divided pretty equally between the two games.
As we wrap things up, we can start with the obvious, Goliath of course rejected his ascension. He had far too much to live for, a good loving wife and son and children yet unborn… Just too much to be there for and to see. So the whole crew hiked back North to the former d’Arnisse Keep, the new permanent home for Goliath and Aerie.
Jaheira went her own way during the trek back. She said she had things that needed doing, but truly she needed to find a place to grieve all she’d lost. Her prolonged favor to Gorion had cost her far too much.
So the five of them arrived back at the Goliath Keep. After relaxing for a few days, Victoria got the crew together with an offer. “I need to head home and pay my brother a visit. I’d love the company of everyone who wants to come along.” And a shockingly brief side adventure was underway…
Goliath and Aerie stayed at the Castle, with Aerie now obviously "with child". But Imoen, Skie, Nalia and Minsc (!) eagerly joining Victoria for her "family reunion". Stopping first in Baldur's Gate she also located Fiona to aid her ad hoc troop.
I'm envisioning the unnamed brother as no more than 7th level. Maybe with 50 or so men-at -arms, but only a half dozen are personally loyal to him. And here comes big sister, a 30th level Inquisitor (with a 20 Strength and the +6 version of Carsomyr). And her buddies Imoen, a 26th level Arch-Mage and Skie, a 33rd level fighter with Grand Mastery in Short Bow and Long Sword.
I think Victoria initially presents herself at the gates and asks to speak with her brother. The Gate Warden commands her to be shackled... Victoria tells the guard "put those things away before someone gets hurt". As they start marching towards the Main Keep gate it starts to close... and Imoen Disintegrates it. Brother (Michael? Yeah, brother seems like a Michael) meets her with a pair of bodyguards and demands to know what this is.
"I want to know Michael, why I'm outlaw in my own home."
"Because this is all mine now! You were just like father, all 'goody-goody' and weak. So it is mine by my own strength!"
Yeah, Michael really was an idiot. and no one misses him even a little.
Also note, this whole post is now available at DavesGaming.blog. With portraits!