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Toolset version

Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
edited March 2024 in Builders - Toolset
I remember way back in the day when bioware first made this game that there was a way to set your toolset to a specific version in order to open later modules in earlier version (or visa versa). Does that still exist? If so does anyone remember how?


  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    As I understand it, later versions of the editor and game are always compatible with earlier module versions, which is the same as how it worked pre-EE. But the same cannot be said for opening later-version modules with an earlier-version editor. That always required some kind of trick, and wouldn't always work if the module had content from a later version.
  • Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
    I know there was a trick but does anyone remember how to do it?
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    You can edit the module.ifo gff file and change the Mod_MinGameVer variable. But... the older toolset really can't safely read newer modules. Depending on the module, what you changed and how different the versions are you may not get what you want.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    It's safe to change that field if you can be certain that the module doesn't use any NWScript functions introduced in a later release.

    There's a similar issue with saves. In that case, the field must be changed in the .sav file's version of module.ifo. This crops up more often with recent versions of EE because if you play an old module on a newer release, the save gets stamped with the new release.
  • nocturns6bgnocturns6bg Member Posts: 2
    Are there any plans to make a native Mac version of the Toolset?
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