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Davacorn mage in last levels of cloakwood mines.

When Davacorn teleports shouldn't the party disengage and not know where he went? As soon as he disapears whoever is targeting him books it to his new location. Is this intentional or a minor bug? I cant off the top.of my head think of anywhere else someone teleports that you fight.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,910
    Limits of the engine. When you target an object, you stay locked on regardless of how that target moves. Even if that movement is a teleport to somewhere you can't see.

    Now, AI-controlled characters rarely stay locked on for too long; they re-evaluate every so often, and that re-evaluation typically comes with line-of-sight limitations. But a player will often just click on an enemy to attack, and then their characters will just stay locked on until another order is issued.
  • justreportingabugjustreportingabug Member Posts: 42
    Yeah its i noticed it also after the catacombs in the fight at the top of the area in the last map before exiting where the basalisks are. Would it be difficult to add that ai controlled reevaluation to the player scripts? I understand that they cant just have an unlimited amount of code for everything, but its already mostly been written for the enemy ai, no? Its such a small change for two instances theres probably more important stuff to focus on. It caught my attention because it reminded me of the fluidity of two jujitsu combattents changing positions during grapple. Its an immidate redirrection especially with the boots of speed on. It doesnt make the game worse or anything just challanging in a different way you gotta be careful you dont book it over the traps scattered around. Ive learnt more a week on the forum than the last year of playing. Thanks!
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