Setting default stats

Im on android and ive been able to unzip the iso for baldurs gate ee onto my parents computer and use eekeeper but it has bugs and isnt quite playable. I have been unable to get it to work at all unzipping icewind dale ee and i havmt attempted baldurs gate 2 ee. I have attempted an onscreen keyboard but my operating system is not the correct version to do so. Im hoping not to buy a bluetooth keyboard. I am wondering if you can edit a file similar to how you edit the baldur.ini to enable cheats and change other variable to set the default numbers on the character generation screen to always start at 18's across the board without having to enable cheats and press any buttons. Instead of them starting as random always 18's. I still want to be able to roll and it proceed to be random if i decide to roll normal. I cant imagine it being too hard, maybe a few lines of code and replacing some numbers, i nievely state
i just have no idea how to go about figuring it out. Does anyone have any insight on this? I doubt it but i wonder if i could get some kind of ai chatbox to figure it out. Im just a bit frazzled trying to cooddrnate time just to get access to the computer let alone get eekeeper functioning. Ive bought the dang games like 4 times each yet i find myself without a bug free or ligit copy. Ive spent the last 5 nights rolling for 4-5 hours each night trying to roll a 95 for an elven avenger for icewind dale ee. Only 7 rolls above 90