Jaynee and Taggert

My next run of the Bhaal saga I’ll do something a *little* different. It’s been years since I’ve done any sort of reduced party. The reason is pretty simple, I love big parties. Even more so with NPC Project running. Everything just feels so much more alive to me. I love the whole team thing.
But a couple things; a big one is just that its been a while since I ran with anything less than six. Second, is a certain feeling my tactics are better than ever. No doubt some of that is constantly refined meta-knowledge. But we’ll see.
I have won BG1 before with a party of three. I truly don’t care to go any lower than that. This coming from a guy who would run with eight if the engine allowed. Three is as low as I’ll go.
So here’s my plan. I will create two characters as is my usual preference. Then add Imoen, its really not Balder’s Gate without Imoen. And that will be the core through BG1 (and those three will be a balanced party). I may add Jaheira and Khalid, just to run down to Nashkel and the mines. Then remove them until I head off to Cloakwood until we’re done with the Shadow Druids. Then remove them again. Maybe recruit Minsc just long enough to go rescue Dyna, then let them both go. That gives me some history with the core characters going into BG2. But that should do it for the first game?
What about SoD? Maybe recruit Corwin and Safana? Maybe just Safana? We’ll see what Jaynee and Taggert look like before I decide. I haven’t tried whatshisname, the Skald, either…
Then BG2. Pretty sure I’ll go back to six. I’ve been wanting to run with Minsc again (haven’t for a while). Maybe Mazzy too?
Now, let’s meet the new PCs.
Taggert loves learning and exploring. He’s recently finished training with a versatile skill set; fighter/mage/cleric. Taggert doesn’t really have any friends looking for a life of adventure, and is not sure how much adventure he really wants for himself anyway. So he took a job with an older adventurer, a warrior named Gilbert who’s a decade or so past his prime. Gilbert had advertised a position for a secretary who was knowledgeable in both “Arcane and Divine sorts of magic”. You’re not sure if an actual mage/cleric is what he had in mind, but you clearly met his expectations. You’ve been working for the old man for several months now. He travels a lot, and seems known and is respected by an odd assortment of characters. You’ve heard the word “Harper” thrown around a few times; nothing’s been explained to you, but you strongly suspect that is who you’re currently working for. Most of your job has just involved keeping notes on things; meetings, items, persons. And on occasion, translating magical texts and codes. A lot of magical grunt work as it were, but exactly the sort of thing a prestigious Warrior might want help with. Well that, and carrying a lot of his junk…
A few days ago your journeys brought you to the great library at Candlekeep. You’ve heard of the place and dreamed of seeing it someday, but you could never have dreamed of affording the cost of access. Gilbert seems to have just shown his face and you were both admitted immediately. He was there to meet with an old acquaintance, an old adventuring buddy named Gorion. You meet in a private study in the great library, and are privy to a conversation that will shape your life.
Gorion has concerns about his daughter. He describes her as his greatest blessing, and curse. Jaynee is her name, and Gorion gushes over her virtues. She is loving and attentive in all the ways a daughter ought to be, she is a blessing to everyone who meets her. (He went on at some length about how perfect his daughter is). But it seems she can’t even walk out her front door without being the center of attention. Not in the sense of noting any fault, only that Gorion fears she draws attention simply by her presence? (You are unclear about some of the specific issues at play. Jaynee is apparently adopted. Gilbert refers to her once as “one of the children” before quickly telling you not to write that down.)
It is obvious these are two old friends who have not seen each other in many years. Gorion proceeds to tell the story of raising his daughter in this cloistered monastery. It seems she is precious and precocious. Always a fast learner at everything. For several years, Gorion hoped she was a mage in the making! (obviously he hoped for a daughter to take after him). But by the time she was 10 it was clear there was no real passion in most of her studies. She liked learning to please her father, not from a particular love of learning. Next Gorion considered that her passion lay in the created world; she loves flowers, butterflies and bunny rabbits. Girlie stuff, but in sharp detail and focus. Combined with her emerging physical aptitudes Gorion was convinced for a season she would be a Ranger. In some ways this still seems like the obvious fit for her, to Gorion. She has always been graceful, and now she’s proving hardy and strong (Gorion suggests there’s only three men in Candlekeep he thinks are stronger than her, and one of them is a half-ogre). But in her early teens she read a book about “The Order of the Radiant Heart”, and her sole career passion came to be a Paladin overnight. That hasn’t waned in five years. She started serious training as a warrior at 16, and has proven to be a prodigy at this like everything else she’s ever tried. Seriously, she can thrash any of her regular trainers. (Gorion’s face is glowing with pride! But this dissolves quickly into worry).
She’s the talk of the Keep, she has no anonymity here. And its only a matter of time until she becomes known outside these walls. Gorion is contemplating moving elsewhere to escape the attention. But he’s unsure where they could travel that Jaynee would draw any less attention. Even if she never draws a weapon; she’s a stunning beauty, gregarious and utterly charming in every sense of the word. (Taggert suspects the proud father is gushing again. But Gorion and Gilbert discuss seriously the idea of how to keep her hidden. He is uncertain why this is such a big deal to them).
After several hours of discussion they decide to break for the night. Taggert is free to find dinner and lodging for the night. He heads over to Candlekeep Inn, where Gilbert had secured him a private room. As he enters, his attention is drawn to two young women laughing at a table across the common room. One is standing, seems to be a server, is small, slim and cutish with pink streaks in her hair. The seated woman is bigger, at least average size with brown hair… and may be the most perfect beauty you’ve ever seen. She has a big happy smile and infectious laugh, her blue eyes almost glow, her shape is… you’re staring. Stop it. Did you just say “Wow” out loud? Apparently you walked to her table, because she’s shaking your hand and says “Hi, I’m Jaynee. What was your name again?” I wish I knew… “Taggert, Hi I’m Taggert!”
Jaynee is happy to talk, especially with a visitor and she peppers you with questions about where you are from, where all you’ve been and what brought you here. She’s thrilled to hear you came with an old friend of her father. And seems honestly interested in every answer you give. You chat for quite some time, apparently for hours as it has grown dark outside and you are exhausted. You excuse yourself, thankful for your private room. Your mind is buzzing, unsure how to assess what just happened. If anything, Gorion undersold Jaynee.
Over the next few days, you sit in on a few more meetings. It seems clear that Gorion and Gilbert have settled on some sort of move for Jaynee. But details are coming hard. Taggert is able to break free a few times to spend more time with Jaynee too, truly the highlight of this trip. You watch her training a few days, and its clear her physical gifts far exceed most of the Watchers training her. But she’s green, and against more skilled fighters she has to rely on her speed and strength. This doesn’t always end well for her. She is gifted but has much to learn. And she’s so cheerful whether she wins or looses its almost cloying. She never seems sore or tired after either, and has been very happy to spend more time with you.
This morning something has changed. You encounter Jaynee before any of the others, she tells you Gorion has decided to take her away from Candlekeep. She asks if you could go find Imoen and be sure to follow along.
Taggert Half-Elven Male
F/M/C 14 – 18 – 16 – 16 – 18 – 16
Taggert is almost stocky as half-elves go. He’s 5’9”, and is well groomed with a stylish but short beard and mustache. He likes to dress well and has a good quality wardrobe. He’s mostly lived life as an academic, but when he realized his life would involve a lot of travel he got Warrior training too (Short Bow and Quarter Staff specialist).
Jaynee Human Female
Cavalier 18/92 – 19 – 18 – 15 – 16 – 18
Jaynee is about 5’6”, her size and shape are “average” in the most idealized sense of the term. She is also clean and well dressed, but in an understated sort of way. She is relentlessly good natured. Jaynee bristles at being called “Gorion’s Ward” and is always quick to correct that to “Gorion’s Daughter”, a title she’s proud of.
A few comments as this gets going. I wanted to give Jaynee more free agency than the Bhaalspawn normally gets at the start of the story. She grasps that something big is happening, so she actually suggests Imoen and Taggert follow along. I also think Gilbert is coming along on the trip, so Gorion and Gilbert both go down fighting Sarevok. Obviously that’s a little bit of “head canon” that is different from some of what we see in the game.
I normally avoid “super powered” sorts of characters. But no doubt, given the Bhaalspawn’s origin story its not hard to justify such. And since this is a small party run, at least through BG1, a stronger main character seems fitting. So here we go, Jaynee will have a balanced support team with Taggert and Imoen. While she herself is the main damage dealer and tank. I plan on posting new comments any time the team changes from the three of them. I fully intend that Jaynee and Taggert are a very close couple, almost immediately from the start of the game. But I don’t think Taggert will be so completely under her spell… in a month or six.
One final Role Playing note, Jaynee has less Bhaal Taint than most Bhaalspawn. Even considering I usually play Paladins or good-aligned clerics. Jaynee has no lingering anger, temper or violent tendencies. She won’t even cut in line or forget to use her turn signal…
And she has no inkling anything is different or special about herself.
This post is also up at “DavesGaming.blog” with portraits!
In Beregost they rescued a young Wild Mage, Neera, from Red Wizards and accepted her into the party.
Then a bit of tragedy. On the road south they were attacked by Hobgoblins. For reasons unknown, Neera choose to attack a Hobgoblin with her quarter staff. She was sliced in two for her trouble. Everyone felt horrible. Taggert was sure it was his fault, she’d been questioning him on technique. He’s good with the staff, but it never occured to him she would think this was a better option than her sling. Jaynee had ordered the lightly armored crew to hold back and use missiles. Why did Neera close to melee?
Jaynee is tortured by this outcome. She tried to shoo everyone away “so no one else would be hurt by following her”. Imoen and Taggert made it clear they were a team and would not go anywhere. Jaheira suggested she was being stupid and this was simply the way of adventuring. Some harsh words were exchanged. It was finally agreed that Jaynee would finish the exploration of the Nashkel mines while Khalid and Jaheira returned up north for some other business they had.
As stated previously, this will be a small party run. So now, Jaynee’s unease with too big a team is set for the rest of the game (BG1 only I think, she’ll get over it in the face of reality).
So another detour, but this sounds like something that demands attention. So they run off and rescue Dyna from the Gnolls. The two new party members worry Jaynee, so they are dismissed and she takes her small crew back to Nashkel to resume the mine expedition.
Obviously, Jaynee’s reaction to a bigger party is foolish. Really poor strategy. Not the sort of error she should be making. But Neera’s (after Gorion’s) death hit her hard, Imoen and Taggert stay with her through the night, when she often weeps. Not characteristic behavior for the young warrior. She will eventually get over it and become a good team leader. But not for some time yet.
I have noticed the game seems to be scaling encounters quite a bit for the smaller party. I don’t entirely like this, it sort of diminishes the point of calling this a “challenge”. It seemed noticeable after Minsc was dismissed that the groups of Gnolls (and Xvarts) got much smaller. It doesn’t seem to impact the more powerful beasties as much, mostly just the local trash mobs.
They have just now entered the mines; Jaynee is 3rd level, Imoen 4th, and Taggert 2/1/2. So the smaller party is gaining experience a little faster than I expect, but are definitely weaker than a full crew would be at this point. In particular, the ability to suppress casters is less and the frequency of the support characters having to switch to melee mode is far more often.
We are finally now closing in on the bandit camp we learned about several weeks ago.
No doubt they’ve all gained more experience than a full party would have at this point. Jaynee is 6th level, Imoen 7th and Taggert 5th in all three classes. Jaynee and Imoen will likely gain another level before they’re done with bandits.
But honestly, I’m still not thrilled with the smaller team. I think I’ll recruit Khalid and Jaheira again before the Cloakwood Forest, and may just keep them in the party.
There we run into our friends Khalid and Jaheira, and I must admit my attitude towards some more help has changed in these last few weeks. So I ask for their aid, and happily they are now with us.
Our first few battles make it clear that Taggert, Imoen and I have improved our skills together with the exhausting travels we’ve seen. Khalid and Jaheira will need to be brought up to speed. Working together for this mission, and our mutual welfare does not seem the burden it did to me not so long ago.
I think I’m going to keep the team at five from here. The three person team was effective and gained experience fast, but I don’t like the limitations that come with the smaller crew.
Although now we get some new limitations, like no experience for Khalid and Jaheira while the others were rocketing up levels. When we set off for Cloakwood I had Jaynee at 7th level, Imoen at 8th, Taggert 5th in all classes, Jaheriea at 2nd in both classes and Khalid at 1st! Quite a range! But the advantage now was being able to get some better gear to the new couple. Everyone has magic weapons. Khalid and Jaheira’s next few levels should come fairly fast now.
Khalid is up to 7th level Fighter and Jaheira is 6/7. They should both gain another level before I get to the end game.
The burning question is, will anyone else gain levels. Taggert hitting 7th level fighter and Imoen reaching 11th level Thief seem like real possibilities.
Now Imoen is getting some actual mage training! I’m so proud of this new field of learning for her! The Dukes have asked the rest of us to look into some followers of Sarevok in the crypts beneath the city. A new thief, named Safana was introduced to us through the Flaming Fist. I really don’t want to trust anyone but my sister in that role!
The somewhat reduced party definitely did gain more experience. For the final show down with Sarevok, Jaynee and Khalid were both 8th level as normal (although well above the XP Cap in experience). But Jaheira was level 7/9 in fighter/druid. Taggert was level 7/7/7, pretty impressive for the triple. He’s closing in on his next mage level too! Imoen was the champ at 11th level thief. I’ll just say she’ll loose some of those somehow during her mage training (I’m not going to bother adjusting her levels for BG2).
I assume everyone has noticed, when staying at the Ducal Palace, only the Bhaalspawn is shown sleeping in the bed. Everyone else is on the floor beside it. The image makes me laugh for newlywed Jaynee and Taggert. Apparently she is a little overpowering…
The four of us were scouting around a troop encampment as we worked our way up north to join the alliance against Caelar Argent. We came across a dwarven lich, frightening encounter! With some help we were adequate for the task.
But not too long after we came across our friend Jaheira with a Skald named Voglin. I’m liking this this team now, although I’m not sure what we may meet.
these six will be the team for SoD. It’s weaker on Melee without Khalid. But his mastery is in Long Sword, the same weapon Jaynee uses. And there won’t be enough good long swords to take him up against the big bad. I have three people using bows, and I know there’s not a huge supply of +3 arrows. Of course the good news, they’ll be be able to unload them fast! So we’ll see how this bunch works.
I like my team just now, everyone is cooperative and enthusiastic. Well, except for the thief, Safana. I look forward to having Imoen resume this role but I think it won’t happen before something breaks dramatically with the Crusade.
Tactically its a little difficult having Jaheira and myself alone on point, trying to keep the others clear to use bows. For future reference, I could hold a broader front with one more melee sort.
Personally I have a few concerns. Something big is happening at the core of my being, I can feel something stirring. The whole army saw this spew out on the Boarskyre Bridge. Undoubtedly related to my heritage. Apart from blacking out for a moment, while I had a vivid vision, I haven’t felt any lack of control in my actions, or really even my thought life. Its more like something external is trying to intrude on me. So far, I’m still myself. But its obvious there are things going on bigger than me.
And a second thing, some crotchety old mage has found a way to insert himself into my dreams. Its extra disturbing since he’s an idiot who truly doesn’t know me. He’s plainly trying to stoke something related to my heritage; but it feels like someone enticing a child with cabbage. He knows me so poorly he might as well be taunting someone else in the room. Still, he is unwelcome I need to block him from my thoughts.
I do miss when it was just Taggert and Imoen with me. Things seem to keep getting bigger.
Just checking the stats again, Jaynee still has over 60% of kills for the “game”, but is down to around 25% for the chapter! No shock, Corwin is dominant in this part. Over 50% kills since she joined.
The journey so far has taken about half a year.
Then the nightmare. Jaynee has continued to have some sort of visits from the hooded man, he taunts her. He tries to bring out some inner darkness he’s convinced she must have. But I know her so well at this point. Most of a year living together in our travels and battles. And I know there’s less darkness in that woman than there is in me. But he did succeed in murdering Skie, a Duke’s daughter and friend of sorts to us, and he completely framed Jaynee for the crime. So many people we had just barely started to win over, now call my wife the cruelest names imaginable. The loss of friends is the worst, Corwin had literally gone to Hell and back with us, and now she’s “advising” Jaynee confess to a crime she didn’t commit. Jaynee is distraught, I’m furious.
Fortunately, all is not lost. The frame-up may seem perfect, but several of the Dukes still believe in us. And Imoen remains free of that association. So we’ll have to accept being run out of town. Until better days…
That battle against Belhifet really went well. It was one of the least close run fights I’ve had with this. Not even close to needing a reload. Even with Jaheira unable to contribute much! She had the +1/+3 vs unnatural club that I expected to work for this fight; it did not! But I did have her chasing down the various summons that Belhifet calls to his aid, leaving everyone else to skewer the big bad. I had plenty of +3 arrows (and bolts) to go around, plus Jaynee and Caelar able to effectively melee with him.
I will have to remember in future to find another weapon for Jaheira (there are +3 sling bullets available!).
One thing with that ending always does for me, it makes me determined to recruit Skie in BG2 after I put things right!
I’m bordering on frantic right now. Thankfully my husband is right by my side. And my friends Minsc and Jaheira are still here. Rescuing Imoen and destroying Irenicus is my current goal. But this seems to be a complicated process. We are currently in the southern kingdom of Amn, and the most helpful agency for our purposes seems to be the local thieves guild. Not a position I ever imagined being in. But they’ve made the offer to help with our rescue mission for a price. Given that a part of local government was responsible for her abduction, I’m willing to partner with the thieves.
We’ve also joined with a young noblewoman, Nalia d’Arnise who had just lost her family home. This may be a very useful partnership. We were able to clear her home from a Troll invasion, but with the loss of her family. Currently that makes me her “arms master” ensuring her land’s security. The need is great here, and the fear of what *could* go wrong if she was left on her own led to this agreement. I’m not sure what all my responsibilities may be; but Nalia knows my agenda. I will help her as I can.
I’ve also worked with another mage on freeing Skie’s soul from the “Soultaker Dagger”. We did battle in some sort hellish pocket plane, that *should* have freed Skie’s soul. But with her corpse back in Baldur’s Gate I am currently uncertain of the outcome.
After an attempted ambush on me by Harpers (!), Jaheira now seems to be estranged from that group. I worry most for her of all my friends right now.
What a mess of things going on right now. I am confident in my team of friends. But I would like to have a few days to just cry and eat chocolate.
No doubt BG2 always starts in a rush of things happening. I have some expectations on how I’ll handle all of this. I think I’ll be running with a pretty “typical” team for all of this playthrough. I like Jaynee as a character, but no doubt she is a lot like the sort of main character I most often lean to.
The de’Arnise Keep is apparently now “ours”. Which seems funny since in our rush to go get Imoen, we’ve left Nalia there as steward along with our friend Minsc. Actually, there’s no telling what Minsc might do. But he’s a good warrior as long as he sticks around.
Skie met up with us here. We were maybe “friendly acquaintances” before, but Jaynee is so relieved to see her she’s suddenly best buddies. It is good to see her, looking, not dead. She’s gotten quite good with a bow. We’ve also joined up with a Radiant Heart Paladin, Keldorn. We met to discuss helping with a mission to investigate a weird new cult that’s sprung up in Athlatka. But there was an ambush in the sewers, the urgent fight against Vampires, and now Keldorn is with us in Brynnlaw. We will have to help with that cult when we get back, we’ll owe him one!
A thief we met in Irenicus lab a couple weeks ago is with us too. He’s been a big help, especially with Imoen not yet back with us. Hopefully we’ll be fixing that soon.
As I’ve done before, I switched Skie to fighter. I figure her time with Flaming Fist is her only professional training in this alternate. Although the game made her 13th level. I think that’s way too high, so I cut her down to a mighty 10k experience. She can learn on the job like the rest of the team has.
Irenicus performed some *process* on Imoen and I. It turns out she really is my sister, I think we both always knew that. But anyway, he stole something, some part of us. He called it our soul. I’m not so good with all the metaphysical stuff, but I have a suspicion that my husband agrees with, that this is “bad”!
It does feel like something new is clawing at me, something that’s always been outside of me has invaded my inmost being. Something that considers itself dangerous and frightening. I believe killing Irenicus and Bodhi is the fix, fortunately that was my current plan anyway. I feel confident this darkness has met its match, my friends and family will end it.
This team is getting really good. Keldorn was a very useful addition. Skie is learning quickly and is already an excellent archer. She’s also proving to be a good friend. Not at all what I would have expected from our initial meetings. Jaheira is stoic, but I know she still mourns.
Taggert is a constant blessing, I would have fallen on this journey long ago without his constant support. And it is wonderful having Imoen back with us. Everything feels right now, except for the whole missing soul thing…
We’ve fixed (healed?) whatever Irenicus had done to Imoen, and she seems to be feeling much better. For myself, there remains a hollowness. But I’ve not felt weakened like Imoen did, and am confident ending Irenicus’ plans will fix me. Currently, after destroying several Liches we’d heard of around Athkatla, we’re now helping a group of Helmites who are trying to keep some sort of fell/demonic thing imprisoned. Then we’ll be off after Irenicus.
We’ve also seem to have several long-term opportunities around Amn. Starting with a home in the old De’Arnise family lands. Taggert and I are now regarded as Baron’s after destroying an attempted take-over by a minor noble family. Funny the directions life can take.
I’m also now a Knight of the Radiant Heart, sort of a long time dream come true. And I truly am honored! But it seems a smaller thing to me now, I’m more interested in settling down and raising a family with my husband. For Taggert’s part, he has a semi-permanent role with the Temple of Lathander in Athkatla. And Imoen is looked to as the responsible party for the Planar Sphere that came to rest in the city! In only a few months, we seem to built a future in this area?
And I need it. The grief and trauma of this last year threaten to overwhelm me at times. Just in the last few weeks, we’ve been betrayed again. That thief we worked with, Safana, tried to sell me for bounty money. We saw her die at another’s hand (claw?) for her trouble, and another acquaintance from Baldur’s Gate (Coran) was killed in the same encounter. Just days later we were involved in the accidental killing of a Radiant Heart Paladin named Ajantis who we’d also first met up north. I look at the friends with me now, and shudder at the thought of something happening to any of them. Our newest friend Keldorn is determined to continue to help us, but we have met the family he’s leaving behind. He has promised me (and them!) he will retire and pay them full time attention when we are done here. I pray that comes soon enough for them all.
So a funny thing, I’ve encountered a few glitches on this play. Maybe its not surprising a game as big as BG2 would occasionally misload something? But I simply cannot get the Solamnic Knights quests resolved. They talk to me in the Sphere, but I need to follow up with either Ribald or Prelate Wessalen; and neither of them will let me pursue the appropriate conversation.
Another such, although this one seems to be mod related, but the whole “Cyrano” story with Garrick and Lady Irlana seems to get derailed by Skie’s commentary. This has malfunctioned ever since I added “Cost of a Girl’s Soul” to the build, but it actually misfired at a different, later, place this time through. Funny.
On a related note, De’Arnise Keep which misfired on a previous playthrough seems fine in this one.
But I thank the gods for my wife’s strength and control through all of this. Even so, I could see her whole self relax, and peace return to her even before we’d escaped from the Abyss. Quite a thing to say.
But we’d barely had a day to relax back with the Elves, never mind heading for home, when we were wrapped up in new Bhaal related drama. Apparently some extra-secret Bhaal club called “The Five” has targeted us for death. Well, now “The Four” might be a better name. Heh. This looks big. We’ve even met with a Solar, Jaynee has become a big deal. Let’s say we have it on good authority we’ve entered some sort of end-game. So we’ve got that going for us…
ToB went easily and quickly. Jaynee stayed the most effective member of the party to the end, but not by as wide a margin once I had a full team. 35% of total kills at the end. Keldorn had 25%, Jaheira 21%, with Skie, Taggert and Imoen in order.
I don’t think I’ve taken a triple class to the end before. Taggert really was an awesome support character. Powerful as a healer, buffer, de-buffer. Even damage dealer when needed. In the fight against the Ravager Taggert and Skie both switched to melee and were surprisingly capable in that role. A fun team.
I will rebuild my BG trilogy install before I run it again. But next, I’ll be back with a new Icewind Dale run in a couple days.