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PPG BanterPack Bug

I'm getting an irritating bug where I've just received the summons to the Jansen home for Jan's personal quest from Beeloo Jansen, but immediately afterwards, instead of getting the quest, Jan starts talking about his hatred of "rancid turnips". This results in a cutscene that doesn't resolve and the game gets stuck in cutscene mode, with no UI and no response to any keyboard commands.

I can avoid this only by kicking Jan out of the party... but then I obviously don't get to do his quest, for which I've tolerated his company all game.

I believe this may be related to the PPG Banter Pack mod interacting with the new version of SCS, which is the only change from a previous, working install, though I'm not 100% sure. Anyone know a workaround?

That is, Ideally skip the PPG BanterPack-added item creation cutscenes altogether, but I'd settle for anything that allows me to do the quest, I'd planned to drop Jan afterwards anyway.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,914
    Sounds like a classic "wrong dialogue" bug, in which the game triggers dialogue expecting one state but gets another, and that wrong dialogue doesn't update what needs to be updated.

    SCS is unlikely to have anything to do with this, as its core components don't edit character override scripts at all.

    Sequence of events at the beginning of Jan's quest, unmodded:
    - Global variable "JanLissaPlot" becomes 1.
    - Beeloo shows up and talks. This dialogue updates "JanLissaPlot" to 2.
    - Jan talks to the protagonist. "JanLissaPlot" updates to 3 (go with him), 6 (meet him at the house), or 10 (piss him off so he leaves forever.

    There's no cutscene there. You don't get a cutscene in the quest until you arrive at Jan's house. So for you to see a cutscene here - the trigger must belong to a mod.
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