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Shouldn't Lothar buy skulls?

jkhristianjkhristian Member Posts: 17
I was playing Torment recently and I was picking up all the skulls I found to sell to Lothar because he's the "skull guy". But when I got to him I shocked to discover he doesn't buy them. It seems like he would be the most obvious choice since he collects them and his home is covered with them. Maybe something for a future patch or mod?


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    Why would anyone buy another man's war trophies?
    Do you decorate your room with the medals and certificates earned by strangers?
  • jkhristianjkhristian Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2024
    Ok. I think I figured out what was going on. Years ago, with the non-enhanced version was able to sell them with a mod. But I'm guessing that mod was never ported over to the enhanced edition. Side note: You would also expect Lothar to buy the Grimoire. I'm not sure if he ever did though.
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