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Beryl and Saffron

atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
The Twins

I like to think, every time a player starts a new run of the Baldur’s Gate Saga they’re creating a new alternate universe. A new Bhaalspawn and new choices made. Of course we know many elements will be significantly the same, even a computer game as flexible as Baldur’s Gate has limitations on just how different any two run-throughs can actually be. So sometimes, I think of things that go a little beyond what the computer’s story will actually tell us. I did this on my previous run (“Jaynee and Taggert”) when I assumed there was another warrior (Taggert’s employer Gilbert) accompanying Gorion and his Ward on that first fatal evening of the game.
Which is all my way of getting to, I will once again make a little assumption that is not quite what the game will tell us is happening.

Let’s go back to Gorion, and a small group of Harper adventurers raiding a temple to the dead god Bhaal. In an inner chapel of obscenity, a coven of dark clergy are preparing to sacrifice a number of children. We’ll let the game itself explain why, but Gorion and his comrades were horrified to find what they’d heard would happen was indeed happening. They were more outnumbered than they expected to be, but launched their rescue attempt regardless. Things quickly became chaotic, and several of the children were slain. Others fled. But the Harpers rescued a few, and those who fled into the night might be considered a partial win. Gorion found a small girl, a Halfling girl, laying on a bloody altar ready for her turn next. He grabbed the small child and started to withdraw. On the way out, Gorion found several children in another room for reasons unknown. The fussing little girl in his arms was determined to reach for another little halfling girl. A sibling, a twin.

Gorion rescued both Halfling girls that night. His friends brought out a Human girl too. Both Halflings were taken to Gorion’s home in Candlekeep. He raised them as his own, in spite of the fact they obviously weren’t. And Gorion often wondered why one, whom he named Beryl, seemed to be marked for more special treatment than the other (whom he called Saffron). Several years later, he would see the human child again too. A widower named Winthrop bought the Candlekeep Inn, one of the few businesses operating within the walls of the keep. He came with his young “daughter” named Imoen; Gorion knew Winthrop as a fellow Harper, and indeed was the man who had taken the Human child the night of their raid.

Gorion treasured his two daughters, a huge change for a lifelong bachelor. He found the adorable little girls also made it easy to find willing helpers around the Keep. They both proved to be easy going and good natured. He wondered at that too, so strange for their background. The other Bhaalspawn in Candlekeep, Imoen had a little more of the troublemaker in her. But she wasn’t any sort of “bad seed” either. Also a good thing, since there were so few children in Candlekeep, all three got along wonderfully.
As they grew, Beryl proved to be studious and a deep thinker. Saffron was more high energy and physically active. Beryl also took more of an interest in her Halfling heritage, and chose to become a Horn Guard of Yondalla. That is, a cleric of a Halfling deity. Saffron took to swords. Her size and strength limited her to Short Swords, but she was quick and seemed to delight in her blades. But both girls remained good at heart, all the way through as far as Gorion could tell.

20 years of peace passed. Beryl and Saffron grew to be cute, beautiful, good natured, and cute. But then, maybe Gorion was biased. When strangers in the keep began asking questions about them Gorion was worried. It was hard to hide two cute and friendly Halflings who wanted to meet everyone. And they were the only Halflings in Candlkeep. So Gorion knew it was time to relocate his small family. He would try to slip them all out at night and sent word to meet up with some friends at the Friendly Arms Inn. Maybe a Halfling village would work better? Or a bigger city?


Beryl is the older of the twin Halflings Gorion rescued from the Bhaal Cult. By their mystical means, the cultists had determined Beryl had a particularly potent share of the Bhaal essence and was to be sacrificed first. Gorion knew none of that, but rescued the fussing child from the altar.
Quite surprising, Beryl grew to be a generous and kind hearted young woman. She has an extraordinary gift for encouraging others. As a child, she had the irrepressible energy and spirit of playfulness one would expect. Especially in a Halfling child. But even then, Beryl also had a seriousness and studiousness about her. She loves learning and she loves time with Candlekeep’s massive number of books. Learning about her own heritage came to be a part of that study; but it was purely the Halfling part of her heritage. She has no knowledge (or apparent interest) of the darker things of Faerun. And she was delighted to discover how her kind so often lives in close partnership with the bigger races of the world. Especially living closely with Humans, Elves and Dwarves. So it was from that sense of helping and community that she became a Horn Guard of Yondalla.

Beryl has loved her life growing up in Candlekeep. She adored her adoptive father Gorion, her twin sister Saffron, and her always close friend Imoen. As the only three children in Candlekeep for many years they played and grew together, as close as any family.


Beryl is a LG Cleric/Ranger of Yondalla 1st level. Specialized in Sling and War Hammer.
12 – 17 – 16 – 11 – 17 – 18


Saffron was rescued from the Bhaal cult the same night as her twin sister. She was in a separate room, kept apart from the horrors of the Unholy of Unholys. The cultists, by the same divination that told them Beryl was valuable and special, had determined Saffron was unimportant and not valuable. Of course, even as an infant Beryl did not feel that way about her sister. It was Beryl’s fussing in Gorion’s arms that drew his attention to “the other” Halfling girl that had been set aside. Once they had been brought together, Gorion found the two to be no more burden than a single Human child would have been and carried both out easily.

Growing up in Candlekeep was occasionally more challenging for young Saffron than it was for her sister. Mainly because Saffron never saw the appeal of all those books. Saffron has always been active, curious, active, a little mischievous and active. The whole Keep often knew exactly where Saffron was with her laughter, giggling and the sound of running feet giving away her location. Saffron was about six when Imoen moved to Candlekeep. They were immediately “thick as thieves”. Although Saffron was pointedly no thief, she was usually too loud for such things. And more than once, Imoen’s mischievousness was upended by Saffron’s loud laughter giving her away. Imoen’s presence also distracted Saffron and helped Beryl find more time for reading, studying, and physical training; something Saffron and Imoen never quite saw the appeal in.
For all that, Saffron is truly as kind hearted as her sister. Much of her boundless energy has been spent helping around the Keep. From running errands, to mucking out stables, to gardening, Saffron can always be found doing something. And that something is most often helpful to all concerned.
No one was surprised, that when Beryl started studying as a cleric, Saffron could be found rough-housing with the Watchers. By her mid-teens this settled into more proper training in self defense and weapons.


Saffron is a CG 1st level Fighter. Specialized in Short Sword and Dual Wielding.
13 – 19 – 18 – 12 – 11 – 16


A quick comment about how these characters came to be. I often scan the Internet for portraits, and inspiration often comes from a good portrait. With the advent of AI portraits things are getting a little different. I mentioned when I did my “Goliath and Victoria” run a few months back that I’d had a fairly lengthy search to find a good portrait for the Halfling Goliath. Indeed, but I found a couple of good female halfling portraits. Including two that immediately gave me the idea for these two. For a while, I planned on just using those two portraits. But you know, they weren’t “perfect”. And the warrior (for Saffron) wasn’t even smiling much. So I decided to take a crack at making them better. I would add, I learned Halflings are difficult! They mostly seem to look like elves; and with no context you can’t even tell if they’re short. I think we all expect certain things, like maybe a chubbier face and softer build. Ironically, both of these portraits are from earlier attempts before I started finding terms to get more reliably good Halflings. They were finally chosen over a couple of later ones, that were “more what I wanted” for a Halfling; but not so much what I wanted for Beryl and Saffron. So, sort of a fun exercise. I expect I’ll continue learning for a while yet how to coax what I want from an AI.
Both characters were created, rolled by the game not EEKeepered. I’ve made that a rule for this run, partly inspired by the fact EEKeeper doesn’t always play well with the IWDification mod. Typically it will erase all IWD derived spells in BG! So I took that as an excuse to eschew its use entirely for this run. But that doesn’t mean I just took my first rolls, I decided Beryl would be somewhat gifted and I rolled for 90 points. Wound up with the 91 we see here, and I point shifted to make her a good character but not truly ideal. For Saffron I set the bar much lower (80), so of course my first roll was 89. Saffron is better character than I expected! But note, still a large emphasis on “Cute” which is not a prime requisite for a fighter…

I should also mention a little of what I’m thinking about the story of saga with twin Bhaalspawn from the start. Mostly, it will just mean Saffron is a weaker Bhaalspawn like Imoen. So most things that are addressed to Imoen regarding her heritage can be aimed at Saffron equally. Obviously this becomes a little problematic with the abduction part of the SoA story-line. We’ll just say, Irenicus found it easier to take Imoen from the Promenade because of the magic use issue. And later, when he has the twins, well he finds Beryl the more appealing target for his experiments.

I’ve done a new build of the whole Baldur’s Gate saga. I still have all of what I’d done before, except CDTweaks is doing a little less this time…

For Baldur’s Gate I’ve added “Mini-Quests and Encounters” which adds a number of small adventures. Also “Loretakers” by Acifer and Lava that adds new adventures to the City of Baldur’s Gate. I don’t think either of these is huge, but that’s good! We don’t want to pile on too much more experience before the endgame. (I do still have the XP Cap remover, but for balance reasons it would not be cool to earn hundreds of thousands of extra XP!)
Next I added “Enemy Randomizer” that I believe works on wandering and placed monsters that have no story. Just to mix things up a little. It supposedly keeps difficulty about the same based on location, but does include some of the new creature types from SoD.

I’ve added “Jastey’s Tweak Pack” to SoD which claims to improve the story of that part of the game.

BG2 I likewise added a few things, starting with “SimDing0’s Quest Pack“. I’m actually using very little of this; it puts a huge emphasis on AI improvements, but this is largely obsolete with the latest versions of SCS. Note I’m not using SCS *yet*, but I may install it soon. But there are a couple of minor components I DO want! Mainly, Improved Oasis that allows a possibility of avoiding bloodshed in that late encounter.
My biggest BG2 addition will be a new Acifer mod “Call of the Lost Goddess“. This is fairly new, still available in version 1.0. It looks like a fairly big detour to the main story. Acifer reliably does professional quality work, so I look forward to trying this out.

But by far the biggest overall change is adding “Deities of Fearun” to the entire saga. And this is the reason CDTweaks is doing less work. DoF is a massive kit mod, that makes unique classes of every Deities’ priesthood. This also means it reworks a lot of the game’s priest magic system. Actually, makes it all a lot more like PnP. I’m really excited to get into this, Beryl will be my first test cleric with this new mod.

So here we go…


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 1

    Off to a pretty good start, we’re through Beregost. First bit of drama, Khalid was killed by bandits just north town. I raised him, but then split the pair. Khalid, Mr “my heart’s really not in this” will keep a base of operations for us at Feldpost’s while Jaheira continues on with the rest of us for a while (no funny gameplay behind this, I have the “split couples” feature from CDTweaks installed. That functioned as designed.

    The enemy randomizer is clearly in evidence. I’ve already encountered an extra half-ogre, sword spider, a ghast and ghoul. I encountered a “Shade Wolf” in the first adventure area where a nomral wolf should be near the messenger. That’s a SoD beastie, like a Vampiric Wolf, that needs magic to take down, so careful avoidance was our only option. The spider infestation we cleared in Beregost consisted of one spider (the one whose body you need to collect the reward), a half-ogre, a mountain lion and a wild boar. Well that was unique…
    No doubt this has made a number of encounters I’ve played a hundred times go differently. But it is at some expense to the narrative. I hope this doesn’t get too strange where things like groups of soldiers or guards are supposed to be? I may reconsider this if it breaks the story reality for me.
    The mod does include the warning “this may increase difficulty of the game”. We’ll see, I sort of suspect the opposite. The thing is, even if I have to avoid a few beasts early on, I am running ahead on experience now. Just finished Beregost and Saffron is already second level and equipped with a +1 short sword. Imoen has dualled to mage (yes, that means I currently have no thief). And Beryl is very close to second level cleric. So the party is feeling pretty tough just now. My expectation is, that although we’re running into a few tougher baddies (worth more experience) now, pretty soon the balance will swing the other way. Like by mid-levels there will likely be more weaker monsters in some places? We shall see…

    Currently, the crew is Beryl, Saffron, Imoen, Jaheira and Neera. A girl squad! After completing Jaheira’s quest (which I do mostly so she will stay in the game, in case I decide to swap her back in later. I really like having her with me when we meet the Shadow Druids) I will remove her and run off to recruit Alora. Then back to Nashkel for Minsc. We’ll rescue Dyna, and maybe switch her for Neera? Or maybe not, Neera does add the one small extra area and its treasure. I think I’ll try to play around with the “kick out” dialogues and see if I can work it so Minsc and Neera stay with me while Dyna heads off to rendezvous with Khalid. But I’d rather not get too gamey with it all. Or I might kick both ladies and go get Ajantis?
    Beryl is really dynamite with her sling! She has more than half of party experience so far. But as a multi she will level more slowly. I expect Saffron to grow dominant late game.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 2

    Made some good progress the last couple days. We just recruited Alora (as a Fighter/Thief, short bow specialist), so now have a half Halfling crew! Add in Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc. I may swap Jaheira for Ajantis after the Cloakwood mine. I often want to take him, and rarely do. I get close to the team…

    A few things from the “Mini Quests” mod have come up. We had to deal with an explosion of baby Hamsters after visiting the Nashkel Carnival. Gave them all away to a kid, better stay out of town now or some angry parents may be after us. Speaking of, there’s a funny encounter after you kill a baby wyvern threatening to eat a kid. Apparently that baby wyvern cost the parents some money. I met a half-orc on the road trying to get to see his lady love, but I think I messed that one up by basically wishing him well. I suspect I needed to meddle more to get any adventure out of it?
    Now I’ve been sent to find the Kobold problem in Gullykin, this *sounds* a little more involved than the others?
    Anyway, its been fun having some new things pop up.

    But some new things don’t appeal to me as much. The “Enemy Randomizer” certainly has provided a lot of variation over what I’m used to! But I just installed every component of the mod, and honestly its too much. It comes in three separate parts. One just randomizes spawn points, which is all well and good. Another randomizes those that disturb your rest. Basically, this is all still wanderings so no problem. But the mod’s third element randomizes set encounters with no story. I will not use that again! It’s too immersion breaking. The Gnoll Fortress hardly had any gnolls in it! There were all sorts of other critters. It is sort of fun; but like I said, at the cost of immersion.

    Seriously, I’ll call this all good though. I’m learning some lessens for future games and having fun doing it. Life is good…
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 4

    We’re now deep into the city of Baldur’s Gate, this party is very effective. I did decide to keep Jaheira with us on this run, its my first run with DoF and the Druid gets an entertaining make over!

    I also just finished the mod “Loretakers” and WOW! That was awesome, not to mention gorgeous. The new graphics are well done in a high def style. The initial hook is aimed right at the character who grew up at Candlekeep. The bulk of the story is a new 2 level dungeon to explore. There’s a number of encounters with new creature types, it made me strangely happy to see were-rats make an appearance! Several battles are harder, but this is late enough in the game they shouldn’t be too problematic. It is not linear, at least in the early parts. Which is a mixed blessing. It gives the player more free agency, but it means you do a lot of back tracking as you realize you need something that’s somewhere else…
    That’s all the sort of thing that will be less of an issue on later playthroughs. There are also several riddles to solve, never my favorite thing. But if this moron figured it out I’m sure most players will.

    Overall, beautiful and atmospheric. A terrific feel of menace and gross (!). This is stay on future BG1 installs.
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    I'm looking forward to trying out Loretakers myself, its in the set I installed for this run. Glad to hear it turns out so well.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    And it’s begging for a follow-up! I understand Acifer has announced plans to make a sequel. That would be pretty organic to the greater story.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 5

    I just finished BG1 and am starting SoD.

    A few thoughts. For one, I love the ferocious halflings! Saffron in particular looks great (little armored halfling with two swords!) and has by far the most experience of anyone. Like 40% of kills. I think in BG2, once Beryl gets a strength device, she will switch more from slinging to melee. Probably dual wielding.

    I did install too much of the Enemy Randomizer. I will leave it on for random encounters. But it seriously breaks immersion too much for the set encounters. We get weird things like the Gnoll fortress with hardly any gnolls and a Xvart village inhabited mostly by hobgoblins. I’d also say my guess about how it effects difficulty seems to be born out. Early in the game, you get a number of harder encounters. Some of these must be avoided. But it does mean you get off to a fast start on experience. Everyone was 3rd level or higher by the time we cleared the Nashkel mines. And late game, well there were kobolds on werewolf island. So in short, you get more experience early, but it peters out by the end. I do still use the experience cap remover, Beryl and Saffron had about 210k each. So that’s average, but the different distribution makes things easier pretty early on, but no different on the boss fights.

    Loretakers was an excellent find!

    I’m looking forward to SoD now.
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    edited August 2024
    Awesome! Good luck to Beryl and Saffrom in SoD! I'm running a bit behind you. Just finished Lorekeepers - it was awesome!. Although Keira had to turn super-saiyan to finish off the end boss. Otherwise still tooling about in Baldur's Gate.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    edited August 2024
    I saw that with Keira! I should have added, I hardly ever backstab with my thieves, I mostly use them as archers. But I did end up with Alora having to save herself with a backstab. On the late game return to Baldur’s Gate, we were all running around invisible and went to rescue Duke Eltan. Well, when Alora spoke to him, of course it broke her invisibility and the Greater Doppleganger in the room attacked her. I didn’t want to have too much of the team break their invisibility, I was low on potions. So Alora went invisible and nailed the Doppleganger herself. Good hit! I’ve not played with that mechanic much since the game was new. But it sure worked as advertised there.

    I’m really looking forward to Call of the Lost Goddess in BG2. If it’s half as good as Loretakers it will be a major plus.
    Post edited by atcDave on
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 6

    Finished SoD with little drama. Defeating the big bad went faster and easier than ever, once you figure these things out its hard to unlearn it!

    Saffron seems to be the real power behind the throne here, she really carves opponents up quickly. Although now, heading into BG2 she has lost her Gauntlets of Ogre Power. Obviously a new strength device is a priority for her. Currently Minsc is the only really muscle on the team.
    Beryl is a reasonably capable warrior and a good cleric.
    But at this point Jaheira is getting less useful. The changes from Deities of Faerun was appreciated in BG1, but the trade off for her extra offensive spells is less healing magic. And her higher level spells are big on Summons, which don’t really appeal to me. So I may swap her out for someone early?

    I might want Mazzy on this run? She’s one of my favorite characters that I rarely run, and for obvious reasons she would fit right in here.
    So often I like Aerie, and I want see how she’s been rebuilt by the DoF mod.
    And since I don’t have a Paladin, I’ll probably recruit Keldorn eventually.

    That plus Imoen, will likely be the final team. But it may be a while until I get there.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 7

    Off to a pretty good start in Shadows of Amn. Beryl and Saffron’s physical weakness is a little problem, we’re definitely not hitting as hard as at the end of BG1! But Minsc provides hitting power, and Saffron slams down Potions of Giant Strength regularly, so the problem isn’t a huge thing.

    We have acquired De’Arnise Castle as our base of operations. And finished the Trademeet adventures. I detached Jaheira at that point, I figure a more polite conversation than what the game actually allows for. Jaheira will be good for rebuilding a Druid Grove, and we’re all neighbors. I think the story will still involve some cooperation too about resolving Jaheira’s Harper problem. This is one of those things where I just hate the Game Engine limitation on party size. I normally would not part with Jaheira, she’s a good companion and useful to the end. But I so rarely use Mazzy, and in a party led by two Halflings, well we just have to go get Mazzy next…

    The rest of the party now is Minsc, Aerie and Nalia. Aerie is the only one I see as permanent. We’ll keep Minsc just until we’re ready to start in the Graveyard, then I’ll have him keep and eye on the Castle, while I go recruit Keldorn. Nalia will stay with us until right before we leave to get Imoen, that should include doing her family related quests in Athkatla. Then she’ll be swapped out for Yoshimo.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Update 8

    The party has just rejoined Imoen, they now get to escape the asylum together. Things are going well, a few interesting things with this run. Beryl is specialized in both Hammer and Flail. In theory the Flail of Ages is now her primary weapon. But she has inadequate strength to wield it. So Beryl chugs Strength potions (of any variety) so she can use her favored weapon (and wear armor!). She still carries her hammer, because on occasion when her potion expires, the game unequips her weapon. And sometimes it doesn’t. Obviously, the next Girdle of Giant Strength goes to Beryl.

    Saffron is by far the party’s dominant warrior. Of course she’s dual wielding short swords and has the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength.

    The party now consists of the sisters (2 Halfling and an Imoen!), Keldorn, Aerie and Mazzy. I’ll call this the “final form”, except as mentioned earlier; Keldorn will need his break for family time and I’ll go get Valley Girl and do the sphere quests at that time.


    The halflings make their usual subtle entrance in Brynnlaw.
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    That's a great pic! Very swash-buckly. My two haven't managed to get BG2 started yet . Hopefully soon.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    I was trying to get the pirates more Swash-buckly!

    But that was fun. I could not get it to do either a hammer of flail for Beryl!
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    Sometimes it helps to nudge the AI in the right direction before you do anything else. Like "Pirates raid on a small harbor;Blah Blah Blah". Sort of putting it "in the mood" before giving any details. Helps with things like the "extras" it decides to add.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    Great chars, awesome pics! 👍
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Thank you much!
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    edited August 2024
    Update 9

    We're a ways into the Underdark now. I've cleared everything off the main map including all three of the special enclaves. And we've done the first mission to rescue Phaerie. I like this point of the game a lot, this is where the SoA team is starting feel pretty bada**.

    I could mention too I'm really enjoying the Deities of Faerun mod. And did I mention it rebuilds Mazzy as a fighter/cleric of Avoreen? That means I'm running with three clerics. All of different non-human deities. Pretty wild. And pretty.darn.powerful. I like this team!


    Beryl and Saffron appreciate fully the gravitas and peril involved in penetrating a Drow City to rescue Silver Dragon Eggs. And apparently they are digging the Drow disguises. I can just see Adalon rolling her enormous eyes "my precious eggs are stolen and the universe sends me Halflings..."
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    That is a fun one to re-imagine. They look way too comfortable as Drow. And they appear to be quite enjoying the situation. Great render. I could easily imagine Keira as a Drow, but Kord.... man that's a hard one to envision.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    No doubt that’s a different mood! Beryl and Saffron will save the world, with much giggling.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    edited August 2024
    I wanna make a quick test of your duo in Black Pits 1&2 later today or tomorrow (switching a bit from Kord&Keira gameplay in BG1). ;)
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    A Cleric/Ranger can be also dual-classed with several interesting possibilities. What do U think? 🤔

    N.B. I don't have "Cleric of Yondalla" option while playing on Switch.
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Cleric/Ranger is good, the specialty clerics are more of a tweak than a major change. If you ever get the opportunity though, Deities of Faerun mod is a ton of fun!

    That’s cool to give them a try. They aren’t highly optimized! But sometimes that’s the fun of it.
  • Zeno_42Zeno_42 Member Posts: 180
    "Talents of Faerun" - by the author of SCS - also adds a ton more options for Clerics and Cleric multi-classes and dual-classes. I'm currently running Aerie as a Cleric of Baervan/Air Elemental wizard. But just for Cleric/Rangers it has:

    Forester of Baervan (Archer/Priest of Baervan)
    Hunter of Selûne (Ranger/Priest of Selûne)
    Nightstalker of Malar (Stalker/Priest of Malar)
    Scout of Corellon (Stalker/Priest of Corellon)
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    My quick test in Black Pits 1, insane difficulty, half-elf twins Beryl and Saffron (halfling cleric/ranger is impossible in my basic setting on Switch).

    Beryl is a LG 1st level Cleric/Ranger. Specialized in Sling and War Hammer (specialization in Dual Wielding is automatic). 13 – 17 – 16 – 11 – 17 – 18 (STR=13 is minimum for half-elf C/R). ⚒️

    Saffron is a CG 1st level Fighter. Specialized in Short Sword and Dual Wielding. 13 – 18 – 18 – 12 – 11 – 16 (DEX=18 is maximum for half-elfs). ⚔️
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Yeah Beryl was meant to be my test character for the new cleric classes from DoF (I know Zeno likes ToF instead, it adds a lot of 3E type tweaks to all the classes. So I think DoF will suit me better). That mod adds a lot of intriguing changes to the cleric class. I understand you won’t be modding on a Switch, but keep in mind if it ever matters to you, the PC version is easy to mod!

    Currently well along in BG2, I have three (!) of the new cleric classes on my team. Definitely a fun run.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    edited August 2024
    @atcDave Yeah, but I'm accustomed now to play on Switch. Imho, videogames should be played on consoles. 😜

    Anyway, in my BP1 test, Beryl and Saffron have attained the XP max after completing the Tier III-1.

    Beryl is now C/R of level 9/8, 93 HP, AC=-3 (without buffs) and THAC0 = 4/6 (with dual-wielding, strength boost and 2 Ashidina+2 hammers). ⚒️

    Saffron is a fighter of level 10, 129 HP, grand mastery in short swords and specilaization in dual-wielding, AC=-4 and THAC0= 3/7 (without buffs). She has an impressive record of 80% of killed enemies. ⚔️

    Before passing to Black Pits 2, I'm planning to export/import this duo and replay BP1 on LoB difficulty. 😎
    Post edited by Yigor on
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Yeah Saffron rocks. With a full party of six she has over 40% of kills, maybe 70% through SoA.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    edited August 2024
    atcDave wrote: »
    Beryl is specialized in both Hammer and Flail. In theory the Flail of Ages is now her primary weapon. But she has inadequate strength to wield it. So Beryl chugs Strength potions (of any variety) so she can use her favored weapon (and wear armor!). She still carries her hammer, because on occasion when her potion expires, the game unequips her weapon. And sometimes it doesn’t. Obviously, the next Girdle of Giant Strength goes to Beryl.

    My Beryl of level 9/8 uses the spell combo Holy Power + Draw Upon Holy Might. It gives STR=21, DEX=20, CON=19, increasing also HP to 127 and improving THAC0 by -3. 😎

  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    Oh yeah, Beryl was doing that quite often. But still the issue, things expire and her flail automatically unepuips.
    For now, she’s using the Gauntlets of Ogre Power so that doesn’t happen. And yeah, she can boost that into the 20s for big fights.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    atcDave wrote: »
    Oh yeah, Beryl was doing that quite often. But still the issue, things expire and her flail automatically unepuips.
    For now, she’s using the Gauntlets of Ogre Power so that doesn’t happen. And yeah, she can boost that into the 20s for big fights.

    Great! 👍 I've just completed Tier III-1 on LoB in BP1, attaining once again XP cap (I played with imported chars of level 9/8 and 10, but XP count restarted from some low values). Tier III-2 seems problematic in this setting (at LoB difficulty) cuz Clay Golems are immune to piercing damage of short swords and Saffron becomes virtually useless in that fight. 😼

    So, I'm heading to Black Pits II, by importing my twins from BP1. 😎
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