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IWD1EE HoF my experience:

Hello. I'm playing again this beautiful game. I played the game with other classes before, but I love sorcerers, so my group looks like this... again :o

5 Dragon Disciples
1 Mage/Thief

I mean, sorcerers offer everything I need in this game in HoF mode. They can even be good fighters with Black Blade of Disaster + Tenser, so I don't really bother about playing other classes... Mages are ok, but the lack of scrolls hurt... so I prefer Sorcerers. The 6th char is thief too so I can disarm traps and backstab sometimes. Why Dragon Disciples over Normal Sorcerer? Free and easy 100% fire inmunity. I mean, all I do in 99% of the combats is spam Meteor Swarms and Fireballs, with Fire Elementals to distract and are inmune to fire (like me); I can even heal from my fireworks if I stack resistances. The mage/thief wears 100% fire resistance items, so np. I don't think it's worth it to be FMT, takes too long to be 30/30/30 imo.

I only found some situations where fire spells are not that useful, but... you can use other spells then. Lower Resistance helps, Mordenkainen Force MIssiles help...

What about Belhifet? Easy again: just Shapechange: Mindlfayer + Timestop. He takes like 4 or 5 hits to die this way. Just make sure you cast Spell Inmunity: Abjuration before entering the chamber, so your buffs don't get dispelled, and maybe some contingencies to cast Elementals or whatever 'when you see an enemy', so you have some decoys in there just in case...

But, how I start HOF at level 1? I do some Orcs/Yetis runs in HOF to become level 8-10 or so, then I can start playing the rest of the game with some more spells, Stoneskin, Fireballs, Fire Elementals, etc. I use a Legal Evil char who can cast Familiar: Imp. This familiar can polymorph into a Slime. It's inmune to normal weapons, so it's very useful as a tank while farming exp against orcs/etc. Takes some time to farm the experiencie, but not that much, maybe 2 hours. You sleep there to be ambushed byt the orcs or yetis, kill them, and that's all.

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