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Equipped NPCs carryover from SoD to SoA?

Hi everyone, (sorry if this question has been posted before, but when I did a quick search, I couldn't find any answers....) So, I'm on my 2nd playthrough of SoD and I'm at the point of no return just before the parley with Caelar / start of Chap 11, where I'm choosing which NPCs I want with me for the endgame. I know that charname starts off SoA captured by Irenicus and all equipment we have as a party at the end of SoD is lost and then scattered throughout SoA, but I'm curious about something... I won't be taking Neera or Rasaad with me for the SoD endgame, but I want to leave them at the Coalition Camp with stuff equipped (e.g. rings of protection, bracers, robes, some +2 weapons, etc.) will those items carryover to SoA so that Neera and Rasaad will still have the same stuff I equipped them with in SoD when I next meet them in SoA? Or will it all be lost, and it just defaults to whatever their starting kit is when you meet them once more in SoA? If anyone could shed some light on this, that would be great! Thanks!


  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 757
    Only items in the mainchar inventory are imported.
  • BewildermentBewilderment Member Posts: 29
    Thanks for answering this question! Sorry for my very late reply. It's a shame you can't use NPCs who we meet again in SoA as pack mules to carry items from SoD to SoA, but since most items get randomly scattered and show up later in SoA anyway, I guess that's fair really. I'll just get a Bag of Holding for my PC and use that, but I also know that you get everything taken from you at the start point of SoA anyway and then you have to find it again, but I don't have any complaints with that as it fits with the main plot. Thanks again.
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