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No-reload games is a huge BS

It seems that many players are motivated by no-reload games, but it looks like a total BS to me. 😼

First of all, BG and IWD series are long and well-developed RPG games, and not rogue-like games at all (where, normally, you pass a single multi-level dungeon with possible repeated improvements).

Secondly, it's plainly stupid to repeat a lost difficult fight in 3 months (in a new no-reload run) when you can just reload and try better tactics immediately. 😎

What's the point? A mortal can't prove that he's immortal anyway. ☠️

My post is a bit provocative, but take it easy and please discuss. 😉


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,466
    It’s just one of the things players do to challenge themselves. It doesn’t interest me, in part because I spend so much time on backstories I’m not about to abandon a run because of a silly thing like a TPK.

    But I can see it even as a role playing thing. Seriously, if your party is wiped out it’s game over them. They’re now feeding the worms. So no do over for THAT crew!
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    atcDave wrote: »
    It’s just one of the things players do to challenge themselves. It doesn’t interest me, in part because I spend so much time on backstories I’m not about to abandon a run because of a silly thing like a TPK.

    But I can see it even as a role playing thing. Seriously, if your party is wiped out it’s game over them. They’re now feeding the worms. So no do over for THAT crew!

    LoL such a well-balanced opinion. 😉
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,069
    edited September 2024
    I have failed miserably at no reload games so only do minimum reload these days and that is bad enough. It is next to impossible to maintain the attention for no reload, at least for me. I have not made it to Amn since Spring 2023!

    I bite the dust from playing when tired or distracted or by normal risk-taking. The dice gods are truly random.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    Aerakar wrote: »
    I have failed miserably at no reload games so only do minimum reload these days and that is bad enough. It is next to impossible to maintain the attention for no reload, at least for me. I have not made it to Amn since Spring 2023!

    I bite the dust from playing when tired or distracted or by normal risk-taking. The dice gods are truly random.

    Sure, I understand U. 😎 But no regrets, the no-reload gameplay is just inappropriate and cumbersome for BG/IWD imho.

    I never considered it. I prefer highest difficulty, new and risky tactics, and I'm just too lazy to maintain the constant attention and buff my group at each step. 😼
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i've been playing these games for 25 years and i have never done a reload challenge ( well maybe outside of a story mode speed run because you can't die in those unless you go out of your way to do so ) but other than that, i love the good ol' "L" button, but that is also because i play VERY lazily and the scripts i use are good enough that as soon as an enemy is sighted i can usually just unpause the game and let the team clean house, and thats with double damage on, on insane difficulty

    plus i have this weird thing where team mates aren't allowed to die, and if they do, reload, so everyone gets a shot at telling the tale of starting low and making it to the end ( unless of coarse the hell trial where you sacrifice someone for 2 AC, i let that person bite dust, permanent 2 AC bonus, lets go buddy )
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i've been playing these games for 25 years and i have never done a reload challenge....

    Sure, bro, U fully understand it. ;)

  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    Aerich wrote: »
    The true lure is the arrogance of power, and those who cannot change will succumb (or at least reload).

    That's why I say that so-called "no-reload runs" in BG and IWD is a huge BS (it's just an overprotected metagaming). 😼

    "Ironman runs" are appropriate in rogue-like games with 1 single Dungeon, having an infinite number of (increasingly more difficult) layers with random encounters. U go deeper and deeper and deeper until U die anyway, just in order to raise like a Phoenix with better powers to restart again from the beginning! 😉
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    I think you've posted a number of times about HoF / LoB runs. If that's correct then it seems strange to describe the no-reload approach as BS given the view most people have about playing LoB. :D

    If you've played BG for many years then you're likely to want some sort of additional challenge - like using mods, restricting game play, taking a completionist approach, strictly adopting RP or something else. The game is good largely because it can be approached in so many different ways. I've tried all these approaches and more, but for me no-reload is the thing that most reliably keeps me playing and think of how much money on new games that's saved me over the years B).
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 812
    @Grond0 All right, bro, I got your viewpoint. In your case, it gives U some fun and motivation! 😎
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