Baldur's Gate Portraits

Is there anything wrong with using BG I & II portraits or renditions of said portraits in Neverwinter Nights? Particularly, making non-commercial publications of those for NwN.
Strictly speaking, they / you need permission from the copyright holder (originally Bioware, but Beamdog now?), whether the work is commercial or not. The terms of use of the sites in question require the author to obtain that permission.
How exactly would I obtain a current portraits.2da file? Is it available to access at all? From what I've gathered, it has been hidden in another file in the Enhanced Edition. How do I extract it?
Check the vault
The official 2da files have always been contained within .bif files which cannot be read without the correct tool. Under EE they are found in the \data subfolder of the installation.
The tool needed to extract them is NWNExplorer.
If NWNExplorer doesn't automatically show you the contents of all the .bif files, use the big yellow Open button to open the .key file in that subfolder.
portraits.2da (or any other .2da) can be exported from NWN Main Data > base_2da.bif.
It's safer to use this method than rely on extracts posted on the Vault, as the latter may be out-of-date.
However, my task is not as easy as just creating a .hak like I have thought. What kind of a file do I put the .2da and the new portraits in? Anyone who can help has my undying gratitude!
If you're building a module, putting the .2da and .tga files in a hak will allow you to assign custom portraits to NPCs.
If you want to use the portraits as a player, or distribute them for use by other players, you don't need the .2da, but you do need to put the portaits in the \portraits subfolder.
More detail in the wiki - I can't vouch for the new stuff about .dds and ruleset.2da, but the .tga files are the tried-and-trusted method.
I can send you the file if you'd like to help?
EDIT: Let me rephrase. All races' portraits are showing up. Human and elf, both genders, are not. I do not know why.
When portraits don't a appear for a race, check that they are
Regardless, I'll double-check.