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About dwarf saving throws

I rolled a fighter dwarf with 19 CON in ToB, to make sure the saving throws bonus ok, i think he should have gotten negative st to death, but instead the save was at 0, which means he is losing part of the bonus. Do someone know if is supposed to cap at 0?, hope i explained myself, because my english sucks.


  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 711
    What is your fighter level ?
  • JordiJordi Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2024
    Level 18 , his sabes should be -2/0/4/4/1 because of the constitution bonus on dwarfs, but is 0/0/4/4/1, only can go under 0 with equipment that lowers saving throws
    Edit: im on ps4
    Post edited by Jordi on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    0 is the lowest you can go for a saving throw without items, it's a game engine default
  • JordiJordi Member Posts: 25
    Though there should be some kind of cap, thanks for the info.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    0 is the lowest you can go without items/spells/ buffs/etc
    -20 is the lowest you can go with items/spells/buffs/etc
  • JordiJordi Member Posts: 25
    Yeah lots of ways to lower saving throws in this game. My goal is -6 ( an enchanter throwing chaos), easy for a paladín in late game
  • SoidoSoido Member Posts: 362
    And I don't think there is a critical miss with saves. Like with weapons, you can get hit even high AC if enemy rolls critical 20, vice versa. Well unless you wear helmet making you immune to crits
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,914
    Indeed, there is no critical failure for saves. High level characters, particularly shorties, can fairly easily reach the point of always making saves. On the flip side, if your base save is a 20, that's an auto-fail - not even rolling a 20 will save you.

    Base saves are an unsigned integer field, and when the game reads from the tables to determine saves for a party member, they're capped to the 0-20 range. For non-party creatures, there's a bit of an unfortunate bug ... LoB reduces base saves by 5, and if this lowers them to a negative number that underflows and flips around to become an auto-fail. Oops.
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