About dwarf saving throws

I rolled a fighter dwarf with 19 CON in ToB, to make sure the saving throws bonus ok, i think he should have gotten negative st to death, but instead the save was at 0, which means he is losing part of the bonus. Do someone know if is supposed to cap at 0?, hope i explained myself, because my english sucks.
Edit: im on ps4
-20 is the lowest you can go with items/spells/buffs/etc
Base saves are an unsigned integer field, and when the game reads from the tables to determine saves for a party member, they're capped to the 0-20 range. For non-party creatures, there's a bit of an unfortunate bug ... LoB reduces base saves by 5, and if this lowers them to a negative number that underflows and flips around to become an auto-fail. Oops.