Solo, HoF, EL1 Ironman Runs - Sorcerer

While the F/M/C may be the king of Icewind Dale solo runs, it is only because the Sorcerer is too busy ruling over the Baldur's Gate trilogy to care. Solo, HoF, EL1, Ironman runs are an unforgiving place for an arcane caster, but the Sorcerer is an exception. Sorcerer's do not care all that much about the paucity of scrolls in the game. They do not have to fret over the idea of doing Trials of the Luremaster for Spell Immunity, nor do they need to hoard their Potions of Genius, and plot when is the best time to use them so that they do not accidentally fail to scribe Invisibility.
No, the arcane might of a Sorcerer is something that thrums through their blood. As such, they are one of the privileged "summoning class" when it comes to solo, HoF, EL1, Ironman runs. Full-clearing Easthaven will give them 42,040 XP, EL6, and the ability to cast Monster Summoning I if they choose (they really should). With a large reserve of Magic Missiles, Chromatic Orbs, and the Snowdrift Inn, they have a reliable and practical means of doing so.

As part of an ambitious project to create a comprehensive guide for solo, Heart of Fury, EL1, Ironman challenge runs I will be doing them with every single class. The basic thread is here:
A few notes:
(1) Rolls are done with the console + subtraction. I cannot find an autoroller for Linux that I can make work. Disdain me if you must, but these will only increase the consistency, not the reliability, and practicality of a run. Yes, it is not as great an expression of skill. Yes, I'm okay with that.
(2) Double quest XP is on. It's a part of the game mode, and classes need to hit certain benchmarks at specific times for a reliable and practical run. This helps with that.
No, the arcane might of a Sorcerer is something that thrums through their blood. As such, they are one of the privileged "summoning class" when it comes to solo, HoF, EL1, Ironman runs. Full-clearing Easthaven will give them 42,040 XP, EL6, and the ability to cast Monster Summoning I if they choose (they really should). With a large reserve of Magic Missiles, Chromatic Orbs, and the Snowdrift Inn, they have a reliable and practical means of doing so.

As part of an ambitious project to create a comprehensive guide for solo, Heart of Fury, EL1, Ironman challenge runs I will be doing them with every single class. The basic thread is here:
A few notes:
(1) Rolls are done with the console + subtraction. I cannot find an autoroller for Linux that I can make work. Disdain me if you must, but these will only increase the consistency, not the reliability, and practicality of a run. Yes, it is not as great an expression of skill. Yes, I'm okay with that.
(2) Double quest XP is on. It's a part of the game mode, and classes need to hit certain benchmarks at specific times for a reliable and practical run. This helps with that.
To me, a no-reload run spell list has to include Mislead, Improved Haste, and Shapechange. And Invisibility of course. The invisible misled decoy gives you free shots unless somehow your decoy gets discovered and killed, which is rare. Running out the spell duration is more dangerous, as far as risks go.
Spell Inmunity: Abjuration is a must.
I like to think broadly, and try to decide about groups of spells with the same or related effects. So the Sorc doesn’t need Invis, Invis 10’ Radius, improved Invis, Shadow Door, and Mass Invis, but it definitely needs at least one of them, and probably 2. The latter 3 all have Improved Invis effects (+4 to saves, can’t be targeted by direct damage/effect spells), so at least 1 is well worth having, in addition to regular Invis.
Most character creation and spell selection decisions come down to tradeoffs and concessions. It’s a solo HoF where safety is critical and you need some utility spells, but you can’t rob the character of its biggest strengths and offensive power.
I managed to roll an 88 in under 10 rolls. That’s good enough for me! I went with 18/19/14/16/3/18. The first concession was to pick a dragon disciple. I mildly prefer a pure Sorceror in a party, but the DD gets +2 Con, -4 AC,+20 hp, fire resistance, and the breath weapon for loss of one spell of each level. It has to be done on a survivalist run; I’ll be resting a lot for spell recovery anyway. I went elf for 19 Dex (+1 to hit at range vs any other choice).
Btw, I’m going to do my best not to have to reload, but if I have to, I will. But gameplay, spell choices and so on will reflect the no-reload spirit.
In my first two spell picks, I made a major concession. Find Familiar should be cast from a scroll or taken as a starting spell by a mage, but that’s not possible on this kind of a run. So I picked FF to cast once, to assist with survivability (target with regen, hp for caster). Character alignment determines the familiar, so it’s a critical decision. LE came into consideration for the imp’s polymorph self into a weapon-immune jelly, but I decided otherwise. I’ll risk the traps (so no NN for rabbit-disarmer), and pickpocket is too much of a risk for not enough reward (so no LN for ferret thief). CG was a consideration for the fairy dragon (full resistance to electrical and fire), but its AC is significantly worse that the NG pseudo dragon I picked.
Second pick for my character Deathwish was the ubiquitous Magic Missile. I consider CO and MM to be almost obligatory early picks (with Web), and I think FF makes the early game much easier.
I waited to fight the beetles until I had some levels. Instead, I opted to go after goblins in ones and twos. A pseudo dragon can comfortably tank 1-2 goblins for a while, but might need to play decoy for the slinger while regenerating if they get lucky with crits. Once you get Web, you can cast it, hit 7 times with your sling, then cast Web again and repeat. Auto-hit is your friend, otherwise you hit maybe 1/10 rounds. Chromatic Orb at level 5-6 allows for two hits between castings.
At the early levels, you maximize damage output by using disablers and auto-hit. At higher levels, the disablers hold enemies in place for your damaging spells. I had to take two runs at the archer group, but managed the ogre group in one go, at the choke point outside their cavern. I was worried about the ogres getting through (no Grease, no Stinking Cloud), but I hit them with Chromatic Orb and continued with fireballs, dragon breath and spheres. Note: the last couple ogres went down to the DD in melee. An 18 Str DD or Sorc can dual-wield daggers and cause (3-6) x2 damage per round with auto-hit - better than the 4-7 that the same character does with the sling.
IMO, contrary to the OP, Monster Summoning I is a bit of a waste, and doesn't help all that much with an easy run. All the Monster Summoning spells have poor duration, which means that if you are relying on them to tank at low levels, it is fraught with risk. They also can't kill anything. That's why I went with Fireball for my first level 3 pick; when you gain another level beyond that so you have 3 fireballs available is when you start taking out orcs easily and can rely less on Web + sling. I suppose darts are possibly even better as a ranged weapon with autohits.
My second 3rd level pick was Protection from Fire. Overkill? No. You cast it on your familiar and use it as a decoy (carefully; small groups only). Later on, when a decoy becomes unnecessary, you cast it on yourself for max (over 100%) fire protection - and it's necessary until you get a natural 100% immunity.
First level 5 pick was Conjure Fire Elemental, second was Protection from Normal Weapons. PNW allows you to enter areas safely, disable, summon, and bomb. The familiar goes into the backpack now. Outside, I cast in order Stoneskin, PFF, and PNW, then go in and it's all over soon.
I filled out my level 1 picks with Shield and Protection from Evil, but my level 11 dragon disciple hasn't cast them yet. Level 2 is Knock (a waste of a second pick, sort of - 18 Str gets you through Apsel's door, but doesn't open Snowdrift Inn drawers; however, I didn't cast anything other than Web and Knock in the Easthaven/orc cave part of the Prologue), Invisibility, Mirror Image, and Melf's Acid Arrow. Level 3 I've add Melf's Minute Meteors and Slow (neither cast yet). I have one more pick which I haven't decided upon yet - Dispel Magic, Remove Magic, Flame Arrow, and Haste are all options. Level 4 I have Stoneskin and Greater Malison in addition to VS. I will add Improved Invisibility to this, but I'm open to suggestions for the last spot. I expect to cast the Emotion buffs from scrolls (if they are in the item slots when using Project Image, the image can cast them and you don't lose the scroll). I will skip Minor Sequencer. I'm sort of trying to decide between Mordenkainen's Force Missiles and Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
At level 5, I think i have to skip two of my favourite crowd control spells, Feeblemind and Chaos, and two of my favourite damagers Shroud of Flame (too weak) and Cloudkill (lack of co-ordination with my other spell picks). I think I need Spell Immunity and Lower Resistance, and i have CFE and PNW already. I'm going to pick Sunfire as my last pick, because if you don't use that spell in a solo sorceror run, when will you ever use it?
Hmm... a bit risky vs major bosses imho. 🤔
My Undead Hunter has almost no options vs HoF Belhifet. I should probably accumulate all possible arrows/bolts/bullets/darts+3 and tons of healing and speed potions. 😜
Frankly, this battle has always been a chaotic nightmare against an unfairly superior opponent. The EE spells at least give an arcane caster a few limited tools, of which the mindflayer attack would seem to be the jewel.
Hmm... my new (pure steel vs Belhifet) thought is about dual-classed Shadowdancer/Fighter of maximal level 29/30 with hit-and-run tactics. What do you think? 🤔
You can kill the Raksashas in ToTL with this tactic too, so it's always worth it imo.
I think it’s off-topic, but I’ll bite.
The SD->F dc with the right equipment is a beast. I think it can be done. I would be inclined to leave a minion alive for Blood Iron-driven healing but kill the other ones. Shadowstep gets you across the middle without traps going off, and could help a couple times to get close to B for attacks or get away, if you time it right. HIPS probably won’t help against the minions, but it’s worth a try.
In the end, it’ll be a high level fighter with extra tricks. It’s got the melee power (but no IH), and if you skill it in bows it should be able to hit with arrows of piercing too. If you finish IWD last, you could kill Emmerich for the Hammer longbow, which could help. Boots of speed + oil of speed are your friends, and even evasion will help.
There’s no question that Shapechange: mindflayer is a big tool. With Mislead and IH, one gets maximal value. I like to use it against drow, which otherwise is a frustrating area for a character/party reliant on spells affecting the enemy. Does Enchanted Weapon increase the Thaco, or just ensure it can hit weapon-immunes?
I think it only makes sure that you can hit those inmunes with the Mindflayer natural weapon. But tbh I only use it with Timestop for a 100% hit chance so never thought about Thac0. 🙃
You can use a Enchanted Weapon scroll in your Simulacrum to cast it on your character, if you don't want to waste a spell slot; the original scroll will remain in your inventory.
IIRC I was not able to kill Icasaracht with this tactic. I don't remember others.
Because I’ve been running mages, and Time Stop is found so late, I’ve had to think of other ways to maximize the mind flayer attacks. A C/M or C/Ill can use Holy Power for example.
I would use a spell slot anyway to make sure I always have the option to cast it with ease, anyway. I know 'losing' a Sorcerer spell slot hurts but...
Yes you can maximize your chances to hit with other spells and gear with other classes... But with a plain Sorcerer it's not so easy unless you try another aproach and go full Tenser, BBoD, etc.
I mean, other than a couple places where MFM or MGI might be useful, I don’t really need them. I have other damage spells I can use, and invisibility mostly sorts out issues with being targeted by opposing casters. I think I will take Enchanted Weapon. It feels weird though, I typically don’t even scribe it with a mage, and now I’m taking it on a solo Sorceror? That speaks to the value of your discovery.
Mordenkainen Sword is great for IWD2 HOF but mediocre for IWD1... I mean it's nice in Insane, but not for HOF.
I have reloaded once, since my Improved Invisibility ran out and I got hit with Feeblemind on DE level 4. I should have taken Mind Blank as my second lvl 8 spell pick, but I did not.
Weapons are largely a thing of the past. I have taken at least one damaging or save-or-die spell at every spell level, so my projected image is a merciless caster. The familiar stays useful, as I bring it out of my pack, cast invisibility on it (from the image) and use it to guide the projected image as necessary. I can cast Project Image 5x day and can cast Meteor Swarm and Incendiary Cloud 5x per image, so anything not immune to fire damage goes down quickly.
It appears to me that Spell Immunity:Abjuration cast by an image protects it from dispels.
I took Invisible Stalker at level 6, as fire elementals aren’t fantastic damage dealers. Both are immune to Suffocate, which is a sneaky good level 7 spell (many of which are highly situational or junk). It does decent damage and has debilitating effects to which my summons are immune.
The early game requires the solo sorceror to empty its spellbook at every goblin, but that passes quickly.
You doing great 🫡 I never paid attention to Suffocate 🤨
The early game becomes way more easy with a lawful evil char with the imp familiar polymorphed into a mustard Jelly, then casting some webs/chromatics to disable enemies, and converting your familiar into a polar bear to end them. But when you have the good spells it's not so important anymore.
Thanks! Yes, I’m pleased with Suffocate, although of course it won’t work on undead. If every enemy in the AoE makes its saves (and they have to save every round for four rounds) they will take 8d8 damage total in four rounds. If they fail 2 out of 4 times, it’s 12d8 with massive penalties to Thaco, Dex, AC, and loss of some movement and ApR in the rounds they fail saves. Basically it’s Slow with damage and without the save modifier. It’s a nice spell not just for damage, but to reduce the damage taken by summons. Frankly, the level 7 spells don’t seem to have any “must have” picks outside of Project Image, with damage spells being poorly represented. No one needs delayed blast fireball (capped at 15d6) at this stage, and prismatic spray and sphere of chaos aren’t really summons-friendly. Sphere of Chaos seems a bit buggy too.
I’m wondering if there’s a way to do Easthaven without taking Find Familiar, but I don’t think the tradeoff is worth it (saving a level 1 spell slot). Any familiar can kite or tank briefly although hopefully that only needs to happen a couple of times. I’ve not shifted to a polar bear with the Imp. In a previous round I tried the spider, but the webs wore off and my Imp died immediately, as did my character.
Easy. U are not obliged to clear the orc's cave. Just observe rests of the caravan outside (clicking on it), speak with Hrothgar and cross the Kuldahar Pass (delaying its completion). 😎
Anyway, my preference is to take the familiar and purge the orcs, but just thinking about options.
Killing beetles with a sling in the automatic regime while drinking 2 cups of coffee! ☕😸☕