Exotic runs: dual-wielding katanas

The rarity of katanas makes it kinda challenging. 😎
My first BG1 try is with a minimaxed half-orc Berserker of level 1 (LoB). Winthrop has only 1 katana and it's quite expensive for the beginning. I let you guess how to gather enough money (it's a little quest in itself). 🤑 Buy that katana, export your character, import him/her in a new game and buy the 2nd katana. 😉
Now the adventure starts and it's relatively easy in the beginning. At least, my level 1 Berserker has easily beaten Carbos, Shank and gibberlings (don't forget that it's on LoB difficulty). 😜
Current status: chapter 2, level 3, mastery in katanas and 2 pips in dual-wielding, scoring up to 44 hp damage at a critical hit. ⚔️
My first BG1 try is with a minimaxed half-orc Berserker of level 1 (LoB). Winthrop has only 1 katana and it's quite expensive for the beginning. I let you guess how to gather enough money (it's a little quest in itself). 🤑 Buy that katana, export your character, import him/her in a new game and buy the 2nd katana. 😉
Now the adventure starts and it's relatively easy in the beginning. At least, my level 1 Berserker has easily beaten Carbos, Shank and gibberlings (don't forget that it's on LoB difficulty). 😜
Current status: chapter 2, level 3, mastery in katanas and 2 pips in dual-wielding, scoring up to 44 hp damage at a critical hit. ⚔️
Post edited by Yigor on
What creatures are immune to non-magical weapons or to slashing damage? 🤔
AC (with Berserker rage) = −9 (piercing), −10 (crushing and slashing), −14 (throwing).
immune to non magical weapons? the only 2 that could get in your way if you "rush" +/- to cloak wood mines would be either a mustard jelly or a vampiric wolf, although by then even if you did run into said enemy im pretty sure by then you would have the means to take them out with other party members
Good news! 😉
in my game i modded it so kahrk has the katana +1 ( as he should in my opinion ) and the ogre mage in cloakwood mines has a +2 version ( i also beafed that guy up as well )
I play with an unmoded version on Switch. Starting solo, but then I added Dorn and, currently, having also Branwen and Neera for some magic support of my two tanks. 😉
Thanks anyway, it can be useful to players who use SCS! 👍
In Berserker's rage: AC = -6, HP = 105, THAC0 = 7/9.