How much gold can you achieve before you leave Waukeen's Promenade for the first time?

So just for the lulz, I wondered to myself; how much gold can i get before i even talk with the
Gaelan Bayle dude in the slums district, since he is notorious for asking a big price early in the game.
So i thought; Hmm, I bet I can hit around 60 000+ the time i get there, lets see how I would do
first, we need parameters and rules, because if not, the answer is theoretically infinite, so these are what i went with;
number 1) no selling stolen items to fences, because you can just steal/sell in an infinite loop and make infinite skrilla, although stealing is allowed though
number 2) since my treasure tables are a little bit different and a little bit more generous than the regular ones, when i summon the cowled wizards, whatever they give me i take first try, unless of coarse i die, then i can reload
number 3) when it comes to getting caught stealing, i have it so the "big group" always gets summoned when stealing in town ( which normally there are 3 "group types" with the "big group" only being a 10% chance, so i switched it so the "big group" is 100 % ) so with that, again, no reloads to get better treasure and can only reload if i die from them, which happened a lot...
number 4) must start a new game fresh, with no imported character from bg1, new game, no tomes, no bg1-ness, just fresh bg2, 89 000 XP start
number 5) must only use the recruitable companions that you find along the way, no customs companions, so you can only use; minsc, jahiera, imoen, yoshimo, aerie
number 6) basically no reloading in certain spots to "fish" for better container or pick pocket loots, when you reach said area, you get what you take
so, off we go...
to begin said challenge, this is the character i decided to use;
finished the first dungeon, nothing really exciting to show there except for the end result of how much i could cram into my inventories;

so made it to the mart, and i decided to put everything in the barrel beside diedre and went off to the circus tent to get another companion, but not before i helped myself to a pick pocket;

i finish the circus tent, pick pocket all the goodies, and decide that i can sell all jewel and gem items now since they dont depreciate in price

next i decided to spawn in some shadow thief/vampire war dudes since they drop some decent goodies, and perhaps sneaking a item or two from a guard while i rest;

so next, i plan to take out the little mercenary group up in that one inn with the dwarf and dude and chums but before i do i get a couple spells to actually make it possible... after a second try ( got chunked by the thief dude ) we gather the goodies

then it was time to do some pick pocketing, starting at night with jayes, grab some items/ spells for xp ( since i cant sell stolen items, might as well use them ) and then i steal from the guards all around the city, although not much of anything special, although i got 1 level 7 spell from them, then i went to our good ol' pal ribald, and he had x2 nifty items, then i perloined goodies from the rest of the folk, whether they be outside or at the inns, and those Ophal couple, holy moly do they have goodies...

then it was time, to get some XP, first i had to buy a potion of INT so i used a friends spell with aerie to crank her CHA to 20, buy said potion, and started to steal EVERY single scroll that wasn't nailed down to a shop keeper, starting with the holmes at top there ( by the book keeper dude? ) and then finishing it off with the spell store person at the back in ribald's place

now, it was time to wipe the cowled wizard filth out of athkatla, and in between rests, of coarse when able pick pocket the guard that comes to annoy me, group 2 ah, had an interesting result the first time... but to my amazement group six went down without a hitch, so good stuff

then last thing to do after stealing from everywhere and everything i could, was the "get caught stealing so big group of law enforcement comes in to kick party butt" and man oh man, did they kick my hiney, reload after reload after reload, those centurions hit like freight train locomotives and they are only using spears, if they were wielding a weapon that did actual damage it what have been beyond ugly, so anyway, i had to bring in summons, especially skellies to soak up damage and luckily jaheira just hit high enough level that i could summon in x2 mountain bears to deal some extra damage, it was risky, but had to be done ( the risk factor is when the npcs go hostile said summons charge after npcs, so have to mash that F3 key to keep them in place) so after many reloads, victory in the home of buddy buddy and dude who sell armors and fancy arrows;

so after that, all has been stolen, pick pocketed, killed, taken, plundered, pillaged, ramsack the village and all that, and it was time to sell off the goods;

now if i were to continue on "normally" these would be the items that i would have kept, but this is a gold piece run so even these will be sold...
so after selling those last items, i was blown away to how much gold i achieved, way more than i though i would, it was a fun little challenge, although if i really wanted to with reloading ( which would be kind of unfair and a little cheap to be honest ) i could have got higher but none the less, not too shabby

Gaelan Bayle dude in the slums district, since he is notorious for asking a big price early in the game.
So i thought; Hmm, I bet I can hit around 60 000+ the time i get there, lets see how I would do
first, we need parameters and rules, because if not, the answer is theoretically infinite, so these are what i went with;
number 1) no selling stolen items to fences, because you can just steal/sell in an infinite loop and make infinite skrilla, although stealing is allowed though
number 2) since my treasure tables are a little bit different and a little bit more generous than the regular ones, when i summon the cowled wizards, whatever they give me i take first try, unless of coarse i die, then i can reload
number 3) when it comes to getting caught stealing, i have it so the "big group" always gets summoned when stealing in town ( which normally there are 3 "group types" with the "big group" only being a 10% chance, so i switched it so the "big group" is 100 % ) so with that, again, no reloads to get better treasure and can only reload if i die from them, which happened a lot...
number 4) must start a new game fresh, with no imported character from bg1, new game, no tomes, no bg1-ness, just fresh bg2, 89 000 XP start
number 5) must only use the recruitable companions that you find along the way, no customs companions, so you can only use; minsc, jahiera, imoen, yoshimo, aerie
number 6) basically no reloading in certain spots to "fish" for better container or pick pocket loots, when you reach said area, you get what you take
so, off we go...
to begin said challenge, this is the character i decided to use;

finished the first dungeon, nothing really exciting to show there except for the end result of how much i could cram into my inventories;

so made it to the mart, and i decided to put everything in the barrel beside diedre and went off to the circus tent to get another companion, but not before i helped myself to a pick pocket;

i finish the circus tent, pick pocket all the goodies, and decide that i can sell all jewel and gem items now since they dont depreciate in price

next i decided to spawn in some shadow thief/vampire war dudes since they drop some decent goodies, and perhaps sneaking a item or two from a guard while i rest;

so next, i plan to take out the little mercenary group up in that one inn with the dwarf and dude and chums but before i do i get a couple spells to actually make it possible... after a second try ( got chunked by the thief dude ) we gather the goodies

then it was time to do some pick pocketing, starting at night with jayes, grab some items/ spells for xp ( since i cant sell stolen items, might as well use them ) and then i steal from the guards all around the city, although not much of anything special, although i got 1 level 7 spell from them, then i went to our good ol' pal ribald, and he had x2 nifty items, then i perloined goodies from the rest of the folk, whether they be outside or at the inns, and those Ophal couple, holy moly do they have goodies...

then it was time, to get some XP, first i had to buy a potion of INT so i used a friends spell with aerie to crank her CHA to 20, buy said potion, and started to steal EVERY single scroll that wasn't nailed down to a shop keeper, starting with the holmes at top there ( by the book keeper dude? ) and then finishing it off with the spell store person at the back in ribald's place

now, it was time to wipe the cowled wizard filth out of athkatla, and in between rests, of coarse when able pick pocket the guard that comes to annoy me, group 2 ah, had an interesting result the first time... but to my amazement group six went down without a hitch, so good stuff

then last thing to do after stealing from everywhere and everything i could, was the "get caught stealing so big group of law enforcement comes in to kick party butt" and man oh man, did they kick my hiney, reload after reload after reload, those centurions hit like freight train locomotives and they are only using spears, if they were wielding a weapon that did actual damage it what have been beyond ugly, so anyway, i had to bring in summons, especially skellies to soak up damage and luckily jaheira just hit high enough level that i could summon in x2 mountain bears to deal some extra damage, it was risky, but had to be done ( the risk factor is when the npcs go hostile said summons charge after npcs, so have to mash that F3 key to keep them in place) so after many reloads, victory in the home of buddy buddy and dude who sell armors and fancy arrows;

so after that, all has been stolen, pick pocketed, killed, taken, plundered, pillaged, ramsack the village and all that, and it was time to sell off the goods;

now if i were to continue on "normally" these would be the items that i would have kept, but this is a gold piece run so even these will be sold...

so after selling those last items, i was blown away to how much gold i achieved, way more than i though i would, it was a fun little challenge, although if i really wanted to with reloading ( which would be kind of unfair and a little cheap to be honest ) i could have got higher but none the less, not too shabby
