Been a while... if I stay netural, can I have anyone in my party?

I remeber being too good makes you lose evil characters, being too evil makes you lose good characters (and neutrals as well). if I stay in the neutral area, can I have anyone in my party (Except people who conflict?). Trying to optimize my party this time (rather than roleplay) so i just wanted to check.
However, certain character combos are pre-programmed to "leave" your party and start fighting to the death if left in the same party for too long.
BIG FAT SPOILERS (how do I insert spoiler tags?)
Jaheira and Khalid will have a deathmatch with Xzar and Montaran. Minsc will have a deathmatch with Edwin. Ajantis will have a deathmatch with Dorn.
I sort of have this party deathmatch thing going on...