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Been a while... if I stay netural, can I have anyone in my party?

I remeber being too good makes you lose evil characters, being too evil makes you lose good characters (and neutrals as well). if I stay in the neutral area, can I have anyone in my party (Except people who conflict?). Trying to optimize my party this time (rather than roleplay) so i just wanted to check.



  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Yeah, try to stay above (5 I think?) and below 19 reputation and you can have any alignment you want in your party
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    @Faray, the party harmony is based on the reputation score, not on alignment labels. You can have any mixture of alignments if you keep your reputation in the middle. In practice, doing so is a lot harder than it sounds.

    However, certain character combos are pre-programmed to "leave" your party and start fighting to the death if left in the same party for too long.

    BIG FAT SPOILERS (how do I insert spoiler tags?)

    Jaheira and Khalid will have a deathmatch with Xzar and Montaran. Minsc will have a deathmatch with Edwin. Ajantis will have a deathmatch with Dorn.
  • FrecheFreche Member Posts: 473
    edited November 2012
    [ More Spoiler ] I think Ajantis will fight anyone Evil
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    Hmm, do they leave the party for good in that case, or am I allowed to keep the survivor with me?

    I sort of have this party deathmatch thing going on...
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    The survivor will stay if they're attacking another party member. Sometimes though, they attack you, such as Minsc if you delay in rescuing Dynaheir, or Ajantis siding with the law if your reputation falls too far (I think; certainly Keldorn does that in BG2). Obviously in that case if they win, it's game over.
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