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Weird ¿Bug? when character dies

WisteriasWisterias Member Posts: 128

I'm playing some in Insane, but the Original Game (Complete).

I had the bad idea of resting at the Wyrms Tooth Area and got ambushed by a pack of winter wolves. 1 of my chars, half/elf cleric/ranger, died by their breath cold attack. It was weird, his body was standing there, his portrait was grey and it said '-10' Hit Points. Then his body disappeared. Not exploded or something, just disappeared. His gear was on the floor. 'Gore' is on.

The portrait was still there. So he was not chunked by massive critical or something, he was simply dead.

I managed to take back his gear and escape, and I tried to bring him back to life with my other cleric, but it was not possible. I quick-saved the game and went to Kuldahar to try with Resurrection in other moment. I closed the game. Today I played again a bit, and... I was able to revive him with my other cleric now.

I noticed that there was not this '-10' Hit Points anymore, I guess it disappeared by loading the game, or travelling to Kuldahar... No idea.

Someone knows? 🙃


  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 824
    Some weird things happen sometimes and disappear after reloading. 😎
  • WisteriasWisterias Member Posts: 128
    Yigor wrote: »
    Some weird things happen sometimes and disappear after reloading. 😎

    Yes it seems so. Now I have other problem. Kelly in Lowers Dorn Deep is supposed to drop Repeater Bow +3. Not happening. He drops a Composite Long bow and nothing else 👀
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    I seem to remember this happening to me with petrification. It’s like the game doesn’t fully recognize the character is dead, immediately.

    I had that issue once with Kelly too. I think I loaded an earlier save and fought it again, with the same result. I do clearly remember being pissed off that the good stuff didn’t drop.
  • WisteriasWisterias Member Posts: 128
    edited November 2024
    Aerich wrote: »
    I seem to remember this happening to me with petrification. It’s like the game doesn’t fully recognize the character is dead, immediately.

    I had that issue once with Kelly too. I think I loaded an earlier save and fought it again, with the same result. I do clearly remember being pissed off that the good stuff didn’t drop.

    Ye, I tried to reload but nothing happened with Kelly Clarkson.

    What I don't know is if my cleric/ranger death was supposed to be a perma-death or it was not 🤨 The Portrait was there so I guess it was not, but it said -10 HP. Weird...
    Post edited by Wisterias on
  • AerichAerich Member Posts: 276
    I think maybe not. I haven’t seen permanent death from any elemental effect. But I believe a frozen character can be shattered for it, if subsequently hit. It is strange though, because yours wasn’t, but all items dropped.
  • WisteriasWisterias Member Posts: 128
    Aerich wrote: »
    I think maybe not. I haven’t seen permanent death from any elemental effect. But I believe a frozen character can be shattered for it, if subsequently hit. It is strange though, because yours wasn’t, but all items dropped.

    Yes, the character was there, standing still 🙃 Yes I saw frozen mobs exolding into ice cubes with 1 hit, but this was not the case.

    I found another bug when I was killing Yxunomei. If you damage her when she looks like a little gurl, and right after the dialogue... sometimes she gets stuck and paralized when she transforms, so you can kill her so easy.

    I reloaded and killed her again, because it felt so bad to kill her this way.
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