Reputation between BGEE and SOD

HI. It's been a long time since I've played SOD and I was wondering:
* What happens to the party's reputation when it passes between BGEE and SOD? This is for A) Importing a character, and,
directly moving into SOD after defeating Sarevok at the end of the first game?
Many thanks!
* What happens to the party's reputation when it passes between BGEE and SOD? This is for A) Importing a character, and,

Many thanks!
- Continue from the end of BGEE. Preserves reputation and the full party.
- The "Import Game" button. Preserves reputation and the full party.
- The "New Game" button, followed by importing one or more characters. Resets reputation to the base for the protagonist's alignment. Only keeps the imported characters.
Incidentally, loading a "final save" will take you straight to the BG1 end movie, credits, and then continuation into SoD.
For the hero of Baldur's Gate should have stellar reputation to start with, but which would angry all evil parties. So what we have ? A contradiction and bad story of SoD
In fact great deal of opinions out there how bad SoD is and unfitting to the beginning of BG2.
As someone else put it somewhere in these forums, the plot is too ambitious in SoD, enemies are too ambitious, artifacts are too powerful, while suddenly you start BG2 against much weaker enemies from global perspective. Breaks the suspense and natural progression
What it does good is to show the promise of the engine and the rules of some cool fights