Tyrants of the Moonsea Orcus bug

I reach the temple at the Zentil keep but Orcus isn't spawning there
Fzoul start conversation, but when I click continue nothing happens (since I suppose Orcus should reply to him) & then I can only press Esc, after which fight against Orcus lieutenants happens but no Orcus & nothing I can do at all. Magnus & Fzoul keep exchanging spells, everyone else stay idly around.
how to fix this?
Fzoul start conversation, but when I click continue nothing happens (since I suppose Orcus should reply to him) & then I can only press Esc, after which fight against Orcus lieutenants happens but no Orcus & nothing I can do at all. Magnus & Fzoul keep exchanging spells, everyone else stay idly around.
how to fix this?