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Reduce item sell price/item value

I'm trying to reduce the sell price of an item in a player inventory to 1 or nothing, but can't see how to do this.

I've tried applying ItemPropertyQuality(IP_CONST_QUALITY_RUINED) and editing iprp_qualcost.2da cost column to -9999 and 0.0001, but neither seems to have any effect on the selling price of the item.

I can suppress the effects when the player opens a store, but I don't see an event for when a player leaves a store to reinstate them.

I have ranged weapons that add bonuses to ammunition as they are equipped - kinda like infinite ammo, except I have more control over what gets added. The problem is that you can buy mundane ammo, equip it, then resell it and gain infinite money.

Any ideas about how to handle this are welcome.


  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    Ahh, nevermind - set as plot item. I spent an hour overthinking this.
  • MelkiorMelkior Member Posts: 223
    Another way is to set shops so that they don't buy arrows, and then use scripting to "sell" arrows by putting them inside of a placeable object. You use the inventory disturb event to check what was placed inside the inventory and if it's a saleble item, check the stack size, then destroy the stack and give the appropriate amount of gold to the PC. If it's not a saleable object, it just sits there, or you can script returning it to the PC automatically.
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