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Sound problem (sample rate) - may be the cause of more than 50% of game crashing/sluttering !

CenerCener Member Posts: 45
edited November 2012 in Not An Issue
If i set the sample rate of my default speaker to more than 24 bits 48000 Hz, the game become very unstable, with lot of sound stuttering, which randomely cause crash and micro freezes (and the need to give sometimes two times the same order to a PJ).

Sample rate has no effect on game stability.

Temporary workaround fix:
First solution is to put all game sounds to 0 (voice, music etc...) (safer and stable solution)
Second solution is to go to your sound properties menu (windows > Sound > Speaker properties > [tab] Advanced
And downgrade the sample rate.

- this will fix the lag in inventory, when moving objects,
- this will fix all sounds lag (when traveling)
- this will removed lag when selecting a character
- this will remove the need of double cliking when moving a PJ, first order is not occuring because the sound is running, and that's why sometime you have to click again to move a PJ ;)
- and this is fixing the cause of a big part of the game crash (the one that are preceded by a sound stuttering)
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