Strange Viconia romance bug.

Hello everyone. I'm starting another run through of the trilogy soon and I feel like I want to romance Viconia this time. However, in the past whenever I tried to romance her, a strange bug would occur. It always happened after the assassin attack, I just stop getting dialogues after that point. The first time I tried to do her romance, I waited until the next dialogue, and for some reason, the dialogue that triggers right after you beat the assassin happened in place of the next one for some reason (I had already gotten it when I was supposed to). I knew that wasn't right so I reloaded my save, waited for a while, but nothing happened. At that point I just gave up on that run and started another. The second time I tried I was using console commands to speed it up so I could make sure the problem wouldn't happen again, But like before, after the assassin attack I got the dialogue your supposed to, and then nothing triggered after that. Has anyone experienced this before? Am I just stupid and the rest of the dialogue is chapter locked or something(for note, the first time it happened I was in chapter three and the second time I was in chapter 2)? If it does happen again does anyone know what I would need to put in the console to get it back on track? I appreciate any responses.
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