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Reviews for Baldecaran's Modules (The Cave of Songs+Honor Among Thieves+ Prophet)

xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
Finished the first one and hopefully, I can get through the rest. Also, just realized I never posted my reviews for SOU + HOTU from a few years ago, and now I’ve lost the draft :'(

The Cave of Songs

When you play the first module from an author famous for writing some of the best stories in NWN, you'd probably expect a story-rich experience, though maybe with a few rough edges. But to my surprise, after leaving the beginner’s inn, I found myself wandering through dark, ominous and large open areas, getting mauled by ferocious bears left and right, with almost no story or NPCs in sight. Instead, you get occasional notes hinting at where to go and a few NPCs trying to kill you. Honestly, it felt more like exploring the wilderness in early Baldur’s Gate 1 or even a Souls-like game.

Anyhow, the atmosphere the author creates is excellent, and the exploration ended up being way more enjoyable than I expected. Still, I can guess some people might want to skip this module if they’re expecting more story than action-heavy gameplay. At least in the early game, the writing of the occasional dialogue and notes scattered around doesn’t really hint at the epic storytelling you’d expect from the renowned creator of the Prophet Saga.

Thankfully, I stuck with it. Once you hit a certain point with an unexpected encounter, the story starts kicking in. From there, the experience becomes progressively more story-rich, just as I’d hoped. Venturing deeper into the mystery and piecing together the notes and journals scattered around was as satisfying as any well-written CRPG quest. The story isn’t super mind-blowing, but it’s quite unexpected and pretty well-crafted. It also hints at some of the deeper themes that I guess the author will likely explore in their next modules, especially in the Prophet Saga. Some of the questions posed by a certain NPC definitely carry the vibe of Planescape Torment, one of the best-written CRPGs. I enjoy how this particular tale revolves around the tragedy of obsession with
, and I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness when leaving a certain NPC behind during the endgame.

Overall, it’s a solid short story that I don’t regret playing.

Now, for the companion- you only get one , and he's not as fleshed out as what you’d expect from a BioWare or Obsidian CRPG. While he has some location-based banter and dialogue interjections, their main purpose feels more like a tool for delivering lore rather than developing a distinct personality. It’s not necessarily a bad thing for a short module, but don’t expect deep companion dynamics here.

As for the gameplay, the early game is slightly challenging, while the late game is very easy— at least for my Fighter 3/Rogue 2 build. I enjoyed the sense of exploration, but only until my henchman eventually ran out of arrows and he couldn’t switch to a melee weapon. Instead, he just stood there repeating “out of ammo,” becoming a liability that did nothing but die during ambushes or boss fights. That was frustrating during certain encounters. He also completely ignored all of my instructions— no healing the player, no standing ground, nothing. It felt very limited compared to the henchmen in the vanilla modules.

In short, this is a great atmospheric module with a decent story and enjoyable exploration. If you’re willing to push through a slow start from level 1, it’s definitely still worth your time.

Story Experience: 7.5
Companion: 6.5
General Gameplay: 7.0

Groping in the dark

Companion- location awareness

Heavy Spoiler:
Cool End game NPC, cool sword:
If you are willing to backtrack during the end game, you can get extra experience and additional dialogues:
A short quest with some sad dialogues you might miss if you leave the area too quickly:
Moral of the story:


Honor Among Thieves

Before diving into the details, here’s a TL;DR review: this is the best thieves’ guild content I’ve ever played in any CRPG. It makes the guilds in The Elder Scrolls series feel shallow in comparison.

When I first started this module, the first impression wasn’t that good. And after reaching the first city, I was a little disappointed. Most NPCs didn’t have walls of dialogue packed with history, lore, or personal backstories like you’d expect from a professionally made CRPG. The big city felt a bit shallow, and I thought, well, it’s a player-made module, so maybe I shouldn’t expect too much.

However, end up I was wrong. Everything changed after I joined the thieves’ guild. From there, the game offers around 22 uniquely and cleverly designed "fetch quests" split into three main categories— spying, thieving, and assassination. These quests turn the city into an incredibly fun playground for a rogue PC. As you progress, the story gradually reveals more lore, character backstories, and most importantly- hints about the main quest, which builds up anticipation for what’s to come, and it makes every side quest feel meaningful because some of them are somehow connected to the larger plot.

What’s even better is how the side quests and and the order in which you complete them can affect the main quest. Doing certain side quests first (or skipping them) opens up different variations, role-playing opportunities, and routes in the main storyline. I found myself always save-scumming just to see the differences, and I was never disappointed. The author clearly put a lot of effort into writing for different paths, which makes me excited to replay it someday and make completely different choices.

For example, right after joining the guild, you’re immediately given with a choice: role-play as a duplicitous thief and betray your original purpose. And another example, if you manage to complete some side quests before returning to the main quest, a certain truth is revealed earlier, allowing you to react in a way that surprises your quest giver. It’s a clever touch that makes you feel smart and is super satisfying from a role-playing perspective. Later, some endgame options will definitely tempt you to back up a save and try something “dangerous” just to see what happens and I wasn’t disappointed, even if I reloaded afterward, because I got to experience outcomes I’ve never seen in any other CRPG that I played before.

The main story itself is also very cleverly written. It’s not overly convoluted or groundbreaking, but the storytelling and pacing are fantastic. The author always reveals just enough to keep you hooked without spilling all the secrets too early. Every time you think you’re close to uncovering the truth, sometimes you are— but other times, you’re hit with an unexpected surprise instead. The twists are well-timed and keep the story engaging from start to finish.

The gameplay in this module is also excellent, thanks to the possibility to play smart when completing the spying, thieving, and assassination side quests. Whether it’s through choosing different routes, making role-playing choices in dialogue, or fully utilizing the mechanics of a rogue character, this module delivers a satisfying and engaging experience. There’s so much you can do, like luring guard dogs away with meat, using traps to turn the tables on powerful enemies by luring them into hurting themselves instead of the player, or locking enemies in a room to avoid combat. Honestly, I didn’t know some of these mechanics were possible in NWN until I played this module. A lot of the heist quests, in particular, feel epic and incredibly satisfying thanks to their clever and unique design.

This is hands-down the best NWN module I’ve played so far, and now I’m even more excited for the upcoming Prophet Saga!

Story Experience: 8.0
General Gameplay: 8.5

Thieving, spying, and assasination!

I can't kill you, but the trap device sure can!

Here, doggies! Some meat for you!
Hehe, let me just lock you up!

Hilarious details during your infiltration mission

Items description is full of original lore as well

Heavy Spoiler
It looks like some quests have follow-ups in Prophet Saga.
Certain powerful follower has unique lines if you try to lead him into deadly traps.
Never experienced this in any CRPG, and you still lose two slots even if you export your character to another module like Prophet Saga.



Before diving into this review, let me start by saying this is one of the most thoughtful and well-designed stories I’ve ever played. But if you haven’t tried this module yet, let me set your expectations a bit lower first: when it comes to writing or narrative style, this isn’t Planescape Torment or Disco Elysium. When I started, I was expecting a story-heavy experience— like chatting with tons of NPCs, uncovering deep companion backstories, and exploring a bustling city full of lore and side quests. That’s not what you get here, especially not in Chapter 1.

At first, I wasn’t too impressed. The pacing felt slow, the adventure was action-heavy, and one early plot point honestly felt like a 6.5/10, mainly because I hadn’t figured out its role in the bigger picture yet. But then Chapter 1 wrapped up, and I thought, "Okay, maybe this is an 8.4". By Chapter 2, it climbed to an 8.7. And by Chapter 3? It hit a solid 9.0+. This is not a story that grabs you immediately— it grows on you, revealing layers as you go. While the writing style might not be as fancy or flowery as some of the best CRPGs out there, this module still delivers big-time when it comes to the story. It’s got an interesting world concept, a gripping plot full of clever twists, and, best of all, a level of philosophical depth you don’t see in many RPGs.

A lot of games play with time travel or prophecy, but Prophet Saga goes deeper. It carefully explains how prophecy works in its world, and the logic behind it feels believable. I also love how cause and effect are handled in this game— it's very unique, and I don’t think I’ve seen it done like this in any other game I’ve played.
In real life, you’ve probably heard those stories about people having dreams of past events they couldn’t possibly know about, or dreaming about something that surprsingly happens later. The concept of dreams letting your mind transcend the present from this module is fascinating, but what blew me away was how the world is designed as a "static sculpture", where past, present, and future all coexist. This creates moments where future events can cause present ones, flipping the usual cause-and-effect logic. Most stories focus on how the past affects the future, but this one flips the script. If you really think about it, some of the events in the game only make sense if the future "exists" first. It’s such a fresh and inspiring take that I haven’t seen elsewhere.

This module does an amazing job weaving philosophical elements into its story. A lot of games include some philosophical themes, but they often feel like background flavor rather than the core of the narrative. Sometimes, writers try to make things overly complex or vague to give an illusion of depth, but not here. Prophet Saga stands out because it asks a very clear and focused question: What is the nature of existence? And the most awesome part of this story? It actually answer it clearly and cleverly.

By the end of the game, you’re faced with one of the biggest choices I’ve ever seen in a CRPG. What makes it so impactful is how well the author lays out the philosophical dilemmas leading up to that moment. The game doesn’t just throw deep questions at you— it makes you think about them, feel the weight of them, and genuinely struggle with your decision. What impressed me the most was how the game ties everything together before that final choice. The author cleverly brings back moments from earlier in the story, even small or seemingly trivial encounters, and shows how they connect to the bigger philosophical themes. What’s even more exceptional is how many of the choices players are more likely to make throughout the game— whether in the main story or side quests— seem to subtly contradict the final choice that I believe the author's expected most people to make. Honestly, noticing this left me in awe of the author’s narrative design.

I really enjoyed the plot twists in this game. I'm a sucker for clever narrative tricks, and this game has plenty of them. The author constantly leads you to believe one thing, only to reveal a truth that’s unexpected but never contrived. These surprises keep the story engaging without ever feeling cheap.

I also really loved how, after making one of your final choices,
the god
kind of doesn’t exist in the story until that moment. When you finally learn what he thinks and what his role is, it’s done in just a few lines— but those lines completely change how you see the whole story. This was the first ending I got, and I really admired how just a few words could elevate the entire setting to a whole new level.

As for the companions, their personalities are a bit basic compared to the iconic ones you’d get from professional studios like Black Isle, Obsidian, or prime BioWare. They don’t really stand out because of their personalities— but they shine because of the roles they play in the story. The way they're written really adds depth to the plot, making it more emotional and personal, and it even gives you different angles to think about the philosophical questions the game raises. At first, they might seem a little bare-bones, but stick with it, and by the end, you’ll probably remember some of them for how they shape the story. One companion in particular, the one I thought wasn’t very deep in my Cave of Songs review? Well, just wait for Chapter 3. His heartbreak and emotional moments hit hard, and he made me feel deeply moved at least twice—
when he comes back to rescue you and when he says goodbye for the final time.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story, but if I had to point out one downside, it would be the second half of Chapter 3. I get that the author probably wanted to make the final adventure feel perilous, and the area design is still solid, but it started to feel a bit like a grind towards the end. It almost seemed like the author was stretching things out to make the adventure last longer. The repetition in storytelling here was noticeable, and the pacing gets worse compared to earlier chapters. But fortunately, the final moments are strong enough to carry you through.

Story Experience: 9.2
Companion: 8.0
General Gameplay: 7.0

Your Companion:

Beautiful Areas and grand adventure

One of my favorite lines

Beautifully written philosophical questions (Spoilers):

Didn't know NWN could do this — Real-time pin moving on the map when discussing strategy:

Didn't know this puzzle was possible in NWN
Post edited by xiaoleiwen on


  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited December 2024
    I'm *so* glad you're playing this series, Leiwen. Judging by your thoughtful reviews of various BG mods over at G3, you are going to be all but spellbound by The Prophet. Can't wait to read your take on it.

    That said, you should register over on the Vault and copy your review there on the module page. For posterity's sake, if nothing else - there appears to be an awful lot of spam hereabouts as of late, and I've had plenty of experience with company-owned fori shutting down on short notice under such circs. And future players are more likely to see it there, anyway.
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Isewein wrote: »
    I'm *so* glad you're playing this series, Leiwen. Judging by your thoughtful reviews of various BG mods over at G3, you are going to be all but spellbound by The Prophet. Can't wait to read your take on it.

    That said, you should register over on the Vault and copy your review there on the module page. For posterity's sake, if nothing else - there appears to be an awful lot of spam hereabouts as of late, and I've had plenty of experience with company-owned fori shutting down on short notice under such circs. And future players are more likely to see it there, anyway.

    I appreciate your suggestion, I got an account but just forgot my log-in information, and it was an older user name that I no longer used. Generally, I still prefer posting on a forum because I like posting screenshots as well.

    I guess I can backup this on the G3 thread temporarily, at least until I find a better place.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    This was one of my favorite modules back in the day. I see it has been remastered by the author since NWN:EE was released, yes?
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Played the PRC version of Honor Among Thieves and I have encountered game breaking bugs after few hours in game. Swapping back to the original version from the vault, and so far its good. And I also noticed the other smaller bugs from the PRC version.

    Game breaking
    - Derent won't leave when you are supposed to follow him.

    Non- game breaking
    - cannot complete the first beetle side quest because the npc won't initiate the talk after killing the beetle.
    - the first follower won't help you in fights, they just stand still.

    Reported on the PRC server, so may get fixed in future version (if any)
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Updated my review for Honor Among Thieves
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    Updated my review for Prophet.

    Pretty confident in saying that this module is now pretty bug-free on EE. You might encounter 1-2 bugs per module, but they usually have easy fixes stated in the comments section of the mod page. Plus, the most worrisome bug in Chapter 3 (
    the buried scene
    ) never happened to me, probably no longer an issue.
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