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Hexxat Quest bug (spoiler alert)

FredNFredN Member Posts: 167
.....I had heard that this quest (Throne of Bhaal, Korkorran's Tomb) was bugged, but I didn't have a problem until close to the very end. There are two serious issues. It took forever to get to this point; figuring out the damned doors was just horrid! So I definitely hope that someone has a solution. Spoilers ahead. (Can you actually spoil a quest that is this bugged?)
.....First issue is that when we encounter Korkorran's silulacrum, we cannot kill it. We took down Phreya, but despite whacking the Simulacrum many times (and getting the "undead Destroyed" message) he stayed there. We "destroyed" him about 30 times before I realized that this wasn't working. I finally got ticked off, used lower resistance and had Viconia try to turn him. This actually worked beter than I thought; instead of making him run away, Viconia actually took control of him. Rather unexpected, but I figured it was better than spending forever trying to kill him. I am guessing this happened because a Simulacrum is a lot lower level than the original.
.....Then, while heading on to try and find the real Korkorran, Hexxat went into an endless dialogue cycle, and no matter what response I made, she persisted. Every time I tried to move into the next room, she interrupted with the same dialogue. I even tried going back to the Pocket Plane, but that didn't work well either. As soon as I went back to the tomb, Korkorran's Simulacrum popped out of Viconia's control and started fighting us all over again. When I tried to get Hexxat to move to the next room, she started the same dialogue cycle again.
.....It has taken me many hours to get to this point, so I hope that someone out there has a solution to this very annoying situation. Thanks.


  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 167
    .....Hell's Bells! It looks like the only way to avoid this bug is to never start the quest in the first place. When I go to the pocket plain and try to head to the final confrontation with Melyssan, I am told I am not ready and still have things to do. Obviously the game is telling me I have to finish Hexxat's quest first. But I can't!
    .....I may have to go waaaay back to a long ago saved game, which will be VERY annoying since I have racked up something like 200,000 experience from all the encounters in the tomb up to this point. Also, I am going to have to fight Balthazar again. Ick!
    .....I will hold off on this for a while; I still have hopes that someone can figure out a way around this bug.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,971
    edited January 9
    Or ... who knows, I never had trouble with it myself.

    Regarding your issues with the decoy, it has plot armor. It's immune to instant death effects like the mace (they do nothing), and in fact can only die by script action. Once you bring its HP low enough, the decoy's script kills it. Or, at least it should. Something about that appears to have broken for you; it shouldn't take long to beat down that 90 HP, after all.

    When the decoy's script kills it, it also sets a variable that triggers comment from Hexxat. But since that same variable is used as the condition for what she says, not killing the decoy can't be the cause of that stutter loop you ran into. At least, not on its own.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 167
    Hmm; well, I can go back and try that fight again. Maybe if I only kill the decoy once instead of 30 times the script will kick in.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 167
    edited January 9
    .....Nope, that didn't work. The clone refuses to die or activate the script, whether we keep attacking him or not. I did the verify file integrity thing on Steam, and it says that all the files are intact. I didn't have Viconia turn the clone this time, simce that just seems to break Hexxat's dialogue script. Looks like this quest is irreparably bugged for me.
    .....Addendum: There is one more thing I can do. I can kill Phreya, bring the clone to its near death state, and then just pretend it died and move on to the final room. I seriously doubt that will work, but its worth a shot, since I at this point I can think of nothinh else to try
  • Silurian3Silurian3 Member Posts: 4
    Do not know what happened but my posts go missing.This worked. Get Edwin to high enough level to cast 9th level spells. Purchase imprisonment from spell store in Amkethran. Memorise. Distract simulacrumed lich and cast imprisonment on the lich. Worked first time and opened doors to inner sanctum. My opinion is that it is not a bug but a very clever mind game/puzzle. The clue is Phreya insisting that the tomb cannot be escaped. The answer is to imprison the jailer.
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