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IWD 2 - Why do some (normal) monsters see me when im stealthed?

im a solo pure rogue and i got to the fight with that mage from the Hosttower who is called the Beastmaster iirc, and those damn cats or panthers or whatever can see me even when im in stealth mode. maybe a bug? really messed up..


  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    There are quite a few enemies that are able to see invisible creatures and therefore need to be dealt with by some means other than stealth attacks. Leading them into traps is a useful tactic for a thief.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    i think it might be a bug. i gave it another try, and this time 1 cat could see me, the other 2 couldnt.

    i completed the fight by staying right at the level entrance, shooting one arrow then exiting the level, then reentering and so on. :)
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