Best class for getting all of the achievements.

Hello friends, a thought came to me earlier about how many achievements you could get with one character. Obviously you couldn't get them all as there are a ton specific to what class you pick, but you could get most of them especially if you save and reload the ones that have multiple endings. I'm thinking of a fighter, as they can get grand mastery, wear the best armors (untouchable achievement), have the second best health (juggernaut achievement), can use all of Balduran's equipment etc, etc. is there a better class I'm missing? thanks in advance!
.....You could, of course, play a lawful good character and recruit Hexxat, Dorn, Korgan, Edwin and Viconia into your party, and justify it by telling yourself "well, I didn't actually SEE them do anything horrible". But all of those guys have a personal quest line that is, at best, borderline. Try doing the "Dorn's bloody quest" side plot. You can try to pretend that you are still Good afterward, but the local law enforcement agencies will beg to differ with you.
Berserker would certainly be the way to go if I do decide to go with fighter, or decide to do it at all since it was just a shower thought on how many achievements you could get on one save. A bard may also be good as they can get the lore master achievement, and once they get UAI you can use a lot of items to help with other achievements, perhaps getting more than fighter.