Most fun party?

Hello friends, I've always found Icewind Dale interesting, however I've never even left Easthaven before. What party is most fun in your opinion? Also what are the best weapons to put proficiencies in? Thanks in advance! I really hope I'll love this game.
Two very different runs I’ve recently done can be seen as “Victoria and Second Chances” and “Aias and the Aliens”. In both cases, the big thing for me is getting to know the characters and the team.
As far as best weapons go, almost anything can be made to work. Just a few thoughts, Long Swords are the most common weapon type, which means you’ll find more good long swords than any other type. But not by a huge margin. It’s generally best to have your team use a mix of weapons so you can use the wide variety of weapons that will show up in the game. Also, you will fight a lot of skeletal undead. I mention this only because skeletal undead only take full damage from crushing weapons. So it is wise if one of your main damage dealers is using crushing weapons.
You're completely right. I'm sorry for asking such a broad question. Those were pretty interesting to read! I remember last time I started a new game I decided on like a sentence of lore for two of the characters and then nothing else. Sure...the barbarian is in the party because...he decided to be. What is the sorcerer's personality? He.....likes casting magic. I'm going to put a lot more effort in this time. Thanks for the weapon tips!