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Aurora Toolset - Area limit

There is an EEFFACE error as well as an error stating that the Toolset has ran out of memory upon trying to edit the properties of the 152nd area. Everything workes fine up to the 152nd.

Can anyone help?


  • Gahbreeil13Gahbreeil13 Member Posts: 17
    I apologise but the problem is not persistent. After CTRL+ALT+DEL and turning off the Toolset, wasn't able to do any other way, the error message kept appearing, and turning the Toolset back on, I could continue.

    For future reference, I was copying areas and editing area properties. Upon editing the properties of area 152, ref153, the error appeared.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 490
    Is this with the version that came out a few days ago?
  • Gahbreeil13Gahbreeil13 Member Posts: 17
    This is on the stable build, no beta.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 490
    I'm asking because the update that came out last week specifically mentioned fixing the Aurora Toolset area limit.
    So either they introduced a new bug with those changes, or you just need that update.
  • Gahbreeil13Gahbreeil13 Member Posts: 17
    I've updated to the newest patch, turns out I was on 8193.36 even though auto-update should be on.

    Now it just turns off the programme when the bug happens rather than an infinite error that I have to CTRL+ALT+DEL out of.
  • ForSeriousForSerious Member Posts: 490
    That's not what I was hoping for.
  • Gahbreeil13Gahbreeil13 Member Posts: 17
    The error happened twice, the new one, that is.

    So far, so good. I can edit the areas, place groups and features and no bugs. It was happening when I was editing area properties only.
  • TerrorbleTerrorble Member Posts: 185
    I've had this error happen regularly for awhile now. If I just leave the toolset open for long enough doing nothing (probably open to an area), it will throw this error. I was editing a convo recently and threw this error after about half an hour. It doesn't happen very often (I don't think it's ever happened while in the script editor) and hasn't impacted me seriously, but it's made me religious about saving a lot.
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