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How do i get Advanced AI to work consistently for the bard (BGEE)

toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
I tried all combinations of checkboxes, he will not sing constantly. Had the same problem with thieves, but by some miracle they actually started searching for traps when idle. But I can't do it with the bard song, is there some workaround, like save, quit, tweak this and that, load again?. And please, do not recommend me modder scripts, I've tried them, they all use a key in WASD, which I use for the camera. Thank you.


  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 430
    toolarg wrote: »
    And please, do not recommend me modder scripts, I've tried them, they all use a key in WASD, which I use for the camera. Thank you.
    This is overly broad and incorrect.

    toolarg wrote: »
    I tried all combinations of checkboxes, he will not sing constantly. Had the same problem with thieves, but by some miracle they actually started searching for traps when idle. But I can't do it with the bard song, is there some workaround, like save, quit, tweak this and that, load again?.
    Common issue with advanced ai. You can find the steps to correct this in my Enhanced Powergaming Scripts found here:
  • toolargtoolarg Member Posts: 182
    Well, I'll be damned, it worked. Thank you.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,938
    The standard "Advanced AI" script will only start singing when you enter combat, and will stop singing a bit after combat ends. I also have a script tweak that changes that - if you check that option, bards start singing immediately even when there's no combat, and they don't stop singing after combat ends.
    (No change to the interface; I'm just editing the underlying in-game script here and leaving the player-facing elements alone)

    "Turn Undead" also suffers; in the default scripting, the conditions for a cleric to automatically use Turn Undead are so restrictive that it basically never happens. My tweak changes that so they'll do it if at least one undead foe is nearby.
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