Abandon old Bounty Hunter build

I decided to revisit BG1 and to try a new bounty hunter because the old one I believe is badly made. Here is his stats (halfling)

I don't know what I was thinking but this bounty hunter is awful. This is a save just upon entering the final battle with Sarevok, no reload game perfect game I might say, but awful stat distribution in retrospect. This is naked BH and point come from pure leveling, except bare in mind the + 5 on all skills from the + 1 Dex book. But ignore it for now.
Open Locks - 60. Versus starting 35. So I overspent 25 points here. No need to have so high open locks provided mages can open any lock. Rest and open the locks. Not aware of any lock that doesn't allow to rest to open it.
Find Traps - 60. Starting 20. This is one of the hardest part to decide. I am okay with 60 at end of BG1. But no more than 60 because items are available in BG2 to increase and not over distribute points beyond 100. Plus a few potions + 20. In BG1 and Durlag Tower I always bring a dedicated Find Traps thief to do the trick. Find Traps is very meta knowledge too not a big deal. Nice to be 100, eventually will be when points start coming from many levels naturally.
Pick Pockets - 60. Starting 35. Wasted 25 yet again. I don't know what I was thinking to put so many points into this useless skills. Big fail
Move Silently - 80. Starting 35. I believe this is perfect where it should be in BG1 endgame.
Hide in Shadows - 81. Starting 35. Similar, perfect job here, this is where it should be.
Detect Illusions - 0. This should be at 50 instead if I did not waste 25x2 on Open Locks and Pick Pockets. Even willing to say 70 if I consider Find Traps 40 in BG1 endgame. If I start Detect Illusion at 70 in SoD, by end of SoD I am 100 with 10 points left over. Best to put in Find Traps any excess, say to 50 BG2 start.
Set Traps - 90. Starting 65 (technically zero but you must put all points there and that is 65 level 1). Ideally this should be 80 not 90 because of item giving 20 right in the start of BG2. No need to go over 100 in this skill. So instead 10 more could have been added to Detect Illusions for absolutely sweet spot of 80 Detect Illusions BG1 endgame.
This is how Bounty Hunter should look like. I mentioned in the beginning to ignore the + 1 Dex book. You can add it now and it will change nothing, it is fixed amount either outcome it we will arrive at the same numbers so it was best to ignore it. The point is that my leveling was not done properly and the build is compromised.
It should have been at Bg1 endgame Level 10
Open Locks 35
Find Traps 40
Pick Pockets 35
Move Silently 80
Hide in Shadows 80
Detect Illusions 70
Set Traps 80

I don't know what I was thinking but this bounty hunter is awful. This is a save just upon entering the final battle with Sarevok, no reload game perfect game I might say, but awful stat distribution in retrospect. This is naked BH and point come from pure leveling, except bare in mind the + 5 on all skills from the + 1 Dex book. But ignore it for now.
Open Locks - 60. Versus starting 35. So I overspent 25 points here. No need to have so high open locks provided mages can open any lock. Rest and open the locks. Not aware of any lock that doesn't allow to rest to open it.
Find Traps - 60. Starting 20. This is one of the hardest part to decide. I am okay with 60 at end of BG1. But no more than 60 because items are available in BG2 to increase and not over distribute points beyond 100. Plus a few potions + 20. In BG1 and Durlag Tower I always bring a dedicated Find Traps thief to do the trick. Find Traps is very meta knowledge too not a big deal. Nice to be 100, eventually will be when points start coming from many levels naturally.
Pick Pockets - 60. Starting 35. Wasted 25 yet again. I don't know what I was thinking to put so many points into this useless skills. Big fail
Move Silently - 80. Starting 35. I believe this is perfect where it should be in BG1 endgame.
Hide in Shadows - 81. Starting 35. Similar, perfect job here, this is where it should be.
Detect Illusions - 0. This should be at 50 instead if I did not waste 25x2 on Open Locks and Pick Pockets. Even willing to say 70 if I consider Find Traps 40 in BG1 endgame. If I start Detect Illusion at 70 in SoD, by end of SoD I am 100 with 10 points left over. Best to put in Find Traps any excess, say to 50 BG2 start.
Set Traps - 90. Starting 65 (technically zero but you must put all points there and that is 65 level 1). Ideally this should be 80 not 90 because of item giving 20 right in the start of BG2. No need to go over 100 in this skill. So instead 10 more could have been added to Detect Illusions for absolutely sweet spot of 80 Detect Illusions BG1 endgame.
This is how Bounty Hunter should look like. I mentioned in the beginning to ignore the + 1 Dex book. You can add it now and it will change nothing, it is fixed amount either outcome it we will arrive at the same numbers so it was best to ignore it. The point is that my leveling was not done properly and the build is compromised.
It should have been at Bg1 endgame Level 10
Open Locks 35
Find Traps 40
Pick Pockets 35
Move Silently 80
Hide in Shadows 80
Detect Illusions 70
Set Traps 80
1. There will come a time when the thief points from leveling will be so much that it hardly matters how you distribute them. They will all end up high in the 100 late late levels in BG2.
Yes true but that is a long way to go and I'd rather spend those excess points on Stealth to 200 rather than end up with Set Traps 120, or Open Locks 145 and so on.
2. Sub-par thief all of BG1 and even BG2. Yeah sure but subpar what ? Open Locks or Detect Illusion is more important ? Pick Pocket or Set Traps ? The choice is obvious. Anyone can pick pocket or open locks. But few can detect illusions and set snares like me.
FWIW, if it's your primary thief, I sometimes prefer skipping the stealth skills for a long time, and boosting everything else first. They just take such an enormous investment, and you can't find traps and stealth at the same time. And, invisibility potions and spells are pretty easy to get, at least by the time you unlock the city of BG, that they can do the job if you want to stealth.