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Is it possible to make fighter shaman?

Really love the shaman, the way it has spells like a socress etc.
But with the qd_multiclass, is it possible to make forexample fighter/shaman or paladin/shaman?
Since this is not a base mutliclass.

Or do i need to make it cast a spell that limits xp and just modify a singleclass shaman?

The idea is a fun shaman, where HLA works like wiki description and adds more cast, instead of just a new selectionable skill. And also have it go to +3 shortbow/axe.

There are tables for casts etc, just not 100% sure how i make my kit use that table. (Cast per day tables for shaman/cleric/paladins and such.

Maby just copy a altered table manually?
Copy_existing or smt?


  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 239
    edited February 2
    Okay, at the lack of knowledge i just made a pure shaman kit wirh 30% less xp gained :blush:

    Now my issue is 2 small ones:
    - I wanted it to start with 1 point into knife and sling. So this profience thing in nearinfinity is a little bit wierd. It has like
    [new class 1] [old class 0] now. So it gets its profience points when i start the game. But if i pick knife again it will get 3 stars instead of 2. and if i click - * it does not go down, instead I get a free point more to spend on profience.
    How should it be done properly?

    The other issue is that i made a tornado spell. I basicly added a tornado bam to a copied chainlighning projectile. But when i cast this spell the tornado goes first is to enemy, then chainlightnint comes like 0,5 seconds after due to beeing so slow. Can i just increase chainlightnint projectile animation speed until they match?

    Fixes the tornado spell/projectile.
    Post edited by Gel87 on
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