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Throne of Bhaal "Free Experience" ... well, sort of.

FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
.....I have a pretty standard seuqence of events for campaining in Saradush. Wipe the guards in Gromnir's barracks, clear out the sewers ... but do NOT attack Gromnir yet. Sell the looted gear for a ton of cash to buy better gear for us. Then do the Countess's son sidequest, then work my way down through the prisons. Lastly, exterminate the Vampire's nest.
.....Every time I play I seem to find new stuff. This one I found totally by accident, I was up on the walls, for no good reason except exploring, and suddenly my group was able to actually see attacking fire giants. Not only that, but able to go to the edge of the wall and actually target them with missile weapons. So, I had 4 NPCs ... cleric, thief and 2 fighters ... firing away at them. Every Fire Giant killed netted 8000 experiece. Now, with a standard crew of 6, this comes out to a mere 1333 experience per person. Not a huge amount, considering that most early game parties will range in level from upper teens to low 20s, but quite helpful if any of your guys are close to levelling up. But you can only do this from one very limited stretch of wall. It doesn't seem that mages can cast spells at them, either. Still, free experience is not to be sneered at.
.....Why the quotation marks around "free"? Well there actually is a price to be paid, but how high depends on your boredom quotient. You have to hit the unpause button many, many times per target fired upon. Tedious. Mine is pretty high, though, so I actually levelled up 4 of my crew that way, and the other 2 are pretty close. Gromnir is no wuss, and his buds are pretty nasty also, so I want my guys to be at peak performance when we finally confront him. As always, YMMV.
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