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melf's meteors

FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
.....OK, this is an interesting spell. Once cast, the meteors are in your weapon slot forever, until used. This has certain advantages; if you are somewhere that you can sleep safely, you can memorize a different spell, sleep, and when you awaken, the meteors are still there for your use, as well as the new spell. Cool beans, right?
.....There is a small problem, however. If you are facing a foe that has any defense that makes the Meteors less or totally not effective, you may want to switch to another attack form ... like with a devastating weapon such as Ravager +6, or a spin attack with a pair of +4 or +5 weapons. Too bad, son ... you can't!
.....Trying to use a different weapon gives you the message "magical weapon equipped". Alas, there appears to be no option to dismiss the meteors. I tried casting dispel magic on myself, having party members cast remove magic on me, and nothing works. And no, you can't drop the meteors the way you could do with a real physical weapon.
.....So, my question of the day: is there ANY way, other than by actually attacking with them to use them up, to remove Melf's Meteors from your active weapon slot?
Post edited by FredN on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,911
    You can remove the meteors by casting another magic weapon spell, or by shapeshifting. Anything that creates a new item in the magic weapon slot will overwrite them.
  • skorchskorch Member Posts: 20
    You can dispose of them with a console command:
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2
    OK, thanks. Unfortunately I don't have such a spell at the moment, and have no idea how to use the console. But I appreciate the imput; you folks always try to be helpful.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
    Hang on a minute. I never learned the magic weapon spell because I figured I'd never need it, but I can duck over to the Arcana shop and grab a scroll to scribe it. That should work. Gonna try it right away.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2
    An addendum: create magic weapons didn't work, since the weapon created goes into my inventory and not my hands, but flame blade does the trick. And flame blade, unlike Melf's, poofs after 24 hours. Problem solved. Now to check out that link about the console.
    Addendum 2: I see that flame blade does extra damage against undead; drat, I wish we had that spell while cleaning out the undercity with those devil shades and vampires!
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,911
    Phantom Blade, you mean. Flame Blade is a level 2 priest spell which creates a weapon that doesn't hit as magical - that's completely useless against the likes of devil shades and vampires.

    "Enchanted Weapon" isn't a spell that will ever overwrite MMM. Depending on game version, it either creates a temporary +3 weapon of your choice in inventory or grants all of your attacks +3 enchantment level.
    A list of spells that create stuff in the magic weapon slot:
    Divine: Shillelagh, Flame Blade, Spiritual Hammer, Cause Serious Wounds, Cause Critical Wounds, Slay Living, Harm, Energy Blades.
    Arcane: Shocking Grasp, Chill Touch, Ghoul Touch, Melf's Minute Meteors, Phantom Blade, Black Blade of Disaster, Energy Blades.
    Plus every shapeshift, both voluntary and involuntary.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 101
    Phantom blade was what I meant; my bad. Also, an interesting list of spells; I would never have thought of even half of those ... like shocking grasp, for example ... as doing the job. Thanks for the enlightenment.
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