Weapon Pop Up / Comparison in Inventory

Noob question here. When I look at my inventory and move a weapon to a different slot, a window shows the weapon as Current and New. What does this actually represent and why are some of the stats in the New column sometimes red? Thanks in advance.
As an example, I have Plate mail equipped (AC 3), and I select splint mail (AC 4), it shows the current AC and the AC if equipping the selected item. Since plate is better than splint, it's red:
Otherwise, if I have splint equipped and I select plate, since it's an improvement, it shows the new AC in green:
Note that those stats are the final character stats (not the gear itself), so if I also have a medium shield (AC +1), it will show the resulting AC (in this case, plate with final AC 2, and splint with final AC 3):