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Weapon Pop Up / Comparison in Inventory

Noob question here. When I look at my inventory and move a weapon to a different slot, a window shows the weapon as Current and New. What does this actually represent and why are some of the stats in the New column sometimes red? Thanks in advance.


  • JofreJofre Member Posts: 5
    Red is worse, geen is better. This helps you quickly check basic stats when changing gear.

    As an example, I have Plate mail equipped (AC 3), and I select splint mail (AC 4), it shows the current AC and the AC if equipping the selected item. Since plate is better than splint, it's red:


    Otherwise, if I have splint equipped and I select plate, since it's an improvement, it shows the new AC in green:


    Note that those stats are the final character stats (not the gear itself), so if I also have a medium shield (AC +1), it will show the resulting AC (in this case, plate with final AC 2, and splint with final AC 3):

  • jahubsjahubs Member Posts: 2
    That helps a lot. Thanks for the input.
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