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Should i become Guild Master for Renal Bloodscalp?

what would be the benefit of becoming master of a Shadow Thieves branch for Renal? just the gold? or maybe can you get cool items for a solo assassin such as myself? if its just the gold, i wouldnt bother..


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    There's a couple of small quests afterward; some discipline problems, a rival trying to muscle in. No interesting loot. The thief stronghold comes with a new fence, but he doesn't have anything interesting in his shop except some low to mid level scrolls. And aside from that, it's just the gold.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    ok, thanks for the info! another thing: what happens if you follow this path, but at some point you want to be free of the responsibility? can you cancel this leadership thing at any time?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    If you stop paying the dues, you lose access to the place. That's how you "cancel".
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
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