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Cave of the Dead

FredNFredN Member Posts: 153
.....In the Cave of the Dead in Amkethran, I cannot complete the Lich's quest. I can get in and out of the cave fine at first, but once I take Marlowe to the lich, the cave exit doorway vanishes. I turn all the tables, kill all the monsters, but I can't open the one locked door, and there is no exit, nor does searching the area reveal any key. Now, I know that the locked door leads to Balthazar and we aren't ready to face him yet, but why have the exit vanish?
.....Luckily I had a saved game from earlier, and I can go clear out the two enclaves in the meanwhile, but this weird game mechanic could have been disasterous. Luckily I know enough to do frequent saves and keep some older ones in reserve for this very sort of situation, but sheesh; this wasn't very well thought out.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    There is literally nothing in the entire game that deactivates the exit from the cave.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 153
    edited February 23
    What can I say? I went back 5 times and replayed the scenario over and over. Before I bring Marlowe to face the lich, I can enter and exit the cave at will. Once Marlowe is dead, the exit arrow/door icon disappears. I scrolled the cursor over every inch of the map that I could reach, and found no trace. I even tried popping in and out of the pocket plane a few times, but nothing helped.
    Post edited by FredN on
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