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Berserk/Rage/Berserk(Albility) etc

Yo, i see people love berserkers.
But there are several different types of berserk/rage.

Barbarian Rage:

The character is enraged for 5 rounds, which grants him/her a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a -2 penalty to Armor Class, and a +2 bonus to Saving Throws vs. Spell, as well as immunity to all charm, hold, fear, maze, stun, sleep, confusion, and level drain spells.

Berserker Enrage:

For 60 seconds:
AC: -2 bonus
THAC0: -2 bonus
Damage: +2 bonus
Max HP: +15
Healed by 15 HP
Immune to effect:
Charm Creature
Hold creature
Level drain
Protection from spell:

The Berserker casts Enrage. For 1 turn and 5 rounds, any other cast of Enrage will net a Spell ineffective line in the Combat log.
The Berserker receives bonuses for 1 turn (60 seconds) and is healed by 15 HP
One second before the turn ends, they take 15 damage. Should they have less than 16 current HP:
They will fall unconscious for a round or so
They will die
The turn ends and they lose the bonuses, then receive penalties for 5 rounds (30 seconds)
After 5 rounds, the penalties vanish and casting Enrage will finally work again

Berserk status effect:

Berserk is a status effect that grants a +2 bonus to THAC0 and damage at the cost of the character losing control of themselves. Berserk comes in two flavors, one type is dormant until a fight breaks out, at which point both the bonuses and loss of control come into play until end of the fight. Another type is active constantly.
When the Berserk effect is active, the affected character will typically attack whichever creature is closest to them, friend, foe or innocent.

The selection circle of a creature affected by Berserk becomes yellow whenever the effect is active.
Affected player characters can receive items, but no item can be taken from their inventory which is greyed out.
Actively Berserk creatures will attack with melee weapons if possible.
The game cannot be saved when a party member is affected by an active Berserk effect.

- So is the berserk status effect the only one where you loose control over ur character?
It does not list any immonities, only damage/thaco bonus.
- How does this activate? Only when enemeis nearby? Or can he suddenly berserk in the middle of town and start slaying vendors etc?


  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 757
    Berserk status effects is not tied to the berserker kit.
    Your berserker will not lose control.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 285
    Trouveur wrote: »
    Berserk status effects is not tied to the berserker kit.
    Your berserker will not lose control.

    Okay, thanks :D
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 757
    Just don't equip any unidentified two handed sword before identifying it, just in case. ^^
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 285
    edited March 8
    Yes, i just wanted to use
    sword on my paladin half dragon kit. But as soon as i was yellow and out of control i just thought it would be yellow all the time. Same with
    mace of kiel.
  • 100PointBerserker100PointBerserker Member Posts: 10
    Those are cursed items and don’t act the same as the berserker or barbarian rage. Minsc’s berserk ability lies in the middle. It can get ya out of a bind, but he can just as easily target a party member if not careful.
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 285
    edited March 9
    Those are cursed items and don’t act the same as the berserker or barbarian rage. Minsc’s berserk ability lies in the middle. It can get ya out of a bind, but he can just as easily target a party member if not careful.

    I usually dont have party members ^^
    Its a really strong sword. But when i put it on and became yellow all the time i did not know that it would revert to green.
    So i loaded. Had i known that i would turn green sometime after battle this sword would have helped my half dragon paladin extreamly much^^ Anyway, it's now in BG2EE with casomyr up and running :D
    on Legacy of Bhaal those extra ar and damage helps a lot. It stands between missing a lot and hitting a lot sometimes.
    I was kinda running at enemies with +1 twohander, and then swap to spider's bane when fighting. Until i got water's edge +3.

    So the difference between this and +1 is actually +4 damage/+4 bonus thaco due to the berserk status and the +3 instead of +1.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,971
    Yes. And then you get ambushed by Nimbul in Nashkel around a bunch of civilians and guards, attack some of them while ignoring the assassin trying to kill you, and realize why the sword is actually a terrible item.

    The Berserk status effect does have tempting power with that bonus attack and damage, but there are too many fights which happen around people that you really don't want to attack.
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