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Fighter / Clerics - Give HORCs Some Love

HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
I am always torn between Half-Orcs and a Shorty for my favorite Fighter / Cleric multi-class combination in BG1. I've played both extensively. I think I actually *like* HORCs better (them actually being better is subject to some debate). Let me explain my HORC bias:

While the shorty saves can't be denied (and it's what is always argued), that early STR / DEX / CON boost you're getting as a HORC -- 19 STR / 18 DEX / 19 CON max stats (HORC) vs 18% STR / 17 DEX / 19 CON max stats (Dwarf) or 18% STR / 18 DEX / 18 CON max stats (Gnome - Gnomes also take a Wisdom hit so that doesn't help). That makes a serious difference, especially early to mid-game. Not only for combat (Damage / AC) but for the all-important carry capacity. You're gaining on not only Strength, but also Dexterity vs. Dwarves.

End game shorty spell saves in BG1 will be a 1. That is a potent positive that cannot be denied. Half-Orc you can get down to usually around a 5. You can technically get a 1 if you use the Claw of Kazgaroth (But it's honestly not worth the negatives). Everyone fails on a 1. So, with a 5, you're also failing on a 2,3,4 as a HORC. That equates to an 80% chance to make a spell save as a HORC vs. a 95% chance as a Dwarf. If you add Magic Resistance items like the Cloak of Balduran (25% - Is rolled BEFORE save). Also if you go into a big battle, you're gonna probably have Chant up. That's another +1 to saves... Finally, you can down Potions of Invulnerability for the big fights (which will drop your HORC to a spell save of 1). So yeah, you usually won't fail too many saves, regardless if you play it right.

In the end, you can argue the other way with a shorty. The extra damage / AC, who needs it, Use DUHM, etc. It really just depends on play style. in the end I'd rather play a HORC unless it's a No Reload Challenge. You do more damage and are less squishy. And honestly... just buy all the Invulnerability potions and remove traps.

Of course - there's no wrong way to play and both are strong for diff reasons. But anyway, putting it out there.

Good to see you all. It has been a minute.
Post edited by HaHaCharade on


  • MelicampMelicamp Member Posts: 244
    edited March 8
    Good to see you man!! Half Orcs rock at pretty much everything! I've played them as clerics too. I'll have to try the invulnerability pots but I think there's a finite number if I remember right so you have to horde them.

    Once you export your character to BG2 everyone pretty much rocks :smile:
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