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Potion of invulnerability

....I picked up a couple of these in SoA. Gromnir's boys dropped a few in Saradush in ToB. I was holding on to them, then I went up against Sendai. She was rather annoying and I ended up using four during the battle with her. At the end, I had 3 left over. If I had known then what I know now, I probably would have used fewer of them.
....Afterward I went to various places ... the merchant in North Forest, the Temple in Amkethla, the Arcana shop, and even those price gougers on top of Watcher's Keep. Nobody had any for sale. Is there any place else I can get some? If not, I am going to have to try to conserve them for the end stage combats.


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,971
    A few creatures drop them, mostly in the ToB quests for Neera and Rasaad. Then there are a few shops back in SoA which you can't go to anymore, and one shop you can reach - the Concocter in Neera's ToB quest.

    In other words, go pick up the Beamdog companions for their quests.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 167
    edited March 12
    .....Hmmm, doing Neera's quest would require me to restructure my entire party. Right now I am doing one of my obnoxious all evil companion runs. Dorn, Hexxat, Viconia, Edwin and Sarevok are my crew. Mind you, recruitung a bunch of goody-goodies would result in a pretty powerful crew: Anomen, Neera, Imoen, Keldorn and Jaheira. Their levels wouldn't be up to par with my current gang, however; all of them range from level 22 to 28. I can check them out but I am not optimistic.
    .....As a stopgap measure, I redid the entire bloody fight with Sendai, which I assure you was a total PITA. I only used 1 potion this time around, so I now have 6 saved up for emergencies. Mind you, I can undersrand why the designers would want them to be rare; too high an availabllity would trivialize most Boss fights.
    .....Addendum: As I thought, dismissing all my evil guys and recruiting goody two shoes types results in a significant loss of levels. Neera when recruited is ... level 14?? As opposed to Edwin at level 22. Also Imoen sucks as a thief; she can do the diasam trap and open lock skills adequately, but can't set a trap to save her life. I can recuit Jan, but as a multi-class, it will take him forever to get the sweet Use Any Item skill. OK, I could do Neera's quest up to the point where we can buy the potions. I have over 100000 cash, so I can buy them out, and then go back to the pocket plane and kick all their butts to the curb. I can then recruit all the Bad Boyz. Assuming they will even talk to me; Edwin stated he was leaving forever when Neera showed up. Oh, and Keldorn does NOT have Carsomyr, while Dorn has both Ir'rev'rykal and Foebane, and Sarevok wields the +6 Ravager. No contest there.
    .....The entire project seems like a monumental waste of time. I am shelving the entire concept and going back to beating up Abazagil's minions.
    Post edited by FredN on
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