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Trials of a solo werewolf monk SCS LOB

I am planning a run through with a dual wielding werewolf Monk. and thought I'll post my progress here. Some changes I have wrought, the werewolf's AC is improved with monk levels. With immunity to normal weapons . and a high AC I should be safe. Saves are good, and I modded the constitution to 25, so I will regenerate 1 hp every 10 secs.

I have modded the monk so I have +1 fists at level 5.

I realize this is an illegal character build, but it should be fun.


  • silverspiritsilverspirit Member Posts: 6
    Level 2. With 4 attacks per round, every critter is going down easily. I hide in shadows, and used Stunning fist against The Ogre with the belts, his saves are not to high. I approached the mage outside the friendly arms inn, and was lucky to interrupt his spell casting. Thaco is not to bad, and now I am off to high hedge for the claw of Kazgaroth. Magic will be my downfall otherwise.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,971
    What version of a non-druid werewolf? I've built an all-werewolf party using the SCS tokens (usable by druids, monks, and anyone with UAI); once Cernd reached level 13 for greater werewolf tokens, the defenses were amazing. Magic resistance, elemental resistances, excellent base AC, high STR and DEX, and high regeneration.
    Offense ... less so. 2 base APR, haste, and 2d6 base damage at +3 enchantment sound nice, but that's no enchantment bonus to attack or damage. Also, the monk in the party doesn't benefit from haste and the tokens are treated as manufactured weapons for APR purposes, so Rasaad was stuck at 3 total APR in werewolf form. And the base AC boost doesn't stack with monk AC; you just go with whichever one is better.

    So, in late-game fights, I would focus down the physical attackers first and ignore high-level enemy mages. They just couldn't do anything that mattered against my party's passive magical defenses. At times, I even just auto-attacked uselessly through the four rounds of a PFMW spell rather than trying to take it down.

    (That was a few versions of SCS ago. Some tweaks have happened since then.)
  • silverspiritsilverspirit Member Posts: 6
    a tweaks version, modded for one handed use. I use the token in my left hand, allowing me to use the fists for stunning. It also allows spellcasting, something SCS does not,.
  • silverspiritsilverspirit Member Posts: 6
    Level 3. I dealt with the spiders at Beregost, no problem as they could not hit me. Garrick's friend got eviscerated, could not get a spell of in time. Neera was saved, although, I got knocked unconscious by a colour spray. Two magic missiles followed, the first damage I have suffered. Magic is the bane of my life.
  • silverspiritsilverspirit Member Posts: 6
    last post should read level 4. Went through the mines, and killed the overseer. Met a queer man, running from a ghoul, he wanted to return a dagger stolen from the grave. I wanted, quite reasonably, a reward from the ghoul for returning the dagger, when it attacked me. Made short work of the ghoul, and on to level 5.
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