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GLABREZU - immune to my traps?

Theres a Glabrezu that spawns in the Guarded Compound in the Temple District, and it simply doesnt trigger any of my normal traps or spike trap. Is this normal? Are there traps (HLA) that affect them?


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    It's the allegiance. Summoned demons (regardless of who summons them) are GOODBUTRED allegiance, meaning that they're technically allied to the party so traps don't trigger on them.

    Well, the thief traps don't trigger on them. Indiscriminate spell traps (Skull Trap, Glyph of Warding, Delayed Blast Fireball) do.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    edited March 17
    you're saying they are allied to me? what do you mean by GOODBUTRED?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    Every creature in the game has an allegiance, which can change in gameplay - you attack a neutral creature, and its script will usually cause it to become an enemy. They fall into three main groups: allied, neutral, and enemy.

    Summoned demons, despite having that red circle and being hostile to everyone, are in the "allied" group. That's what the internal name "GOODBUTRED" for their allegiance means. And traps only trigger on creatures with allegiance in the "enemy" group.
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    edited March 17
    oh, i understand. thats very unfortunate. thanks for the info!

    however: in that place where the Glabrezu is summoned, there are also quite a few other monsters - i believe, also summoned, and they do trigger my traps: a Nishru, an Efreeti, some ogres, and more.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,960
    Yes. Normal summons have the CONTROLLED allegiance if you or an ally summons them, or the ENEMY allegiance if an enemy summons them.

    That trigger casts four mage spells at once, as if the mage you talked to when you entered had cast them. Summon Nishruu, Summon Fiend (the glabrezu), Summon Efreeti, and Monster Summoning 3 (one or two creatures, randomly chosen between ettercap and ogre berserker).

    Incidentally, the name of the trigger in the area file is "Backstab" and its script is KETTAATK; presumably, that was meant to be the thief of their group surprising you with a backstab before most of the area's content got scrapped. So they threw together a magical surprise instead, and ended up with a mess that basically solves itself if you stand back. After all, the normal summons and the demon are hostile to each other...
  • PixelRunnerPixelRunner Member Posts: 59
    ok, thanx again!
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