Shadow Dragon Scale Armor compared to Shadow Armor - curious thing

im a solo assassin on LoB and just got the Shadow Dragon Scale Armor. this has 1 armor, -1 vs slashing, 0 vs piercing and missile. before this i was using the Shadow Armor, which has 4 armor, 3 vs piercing and missile, 2 vs slashing. the odd thing is that the armor vs missile as shown in the character window is the same with both armor, whereas it should be better with the Shadow Dragon Scale, right? what is the explanation?
Body armor normally reports its AC against each type as the sum of its base AC and the type modifiers. For example, studded leather +3 (Shadow Armor) is 4 base with modifiers of -1 vs piercing, -1 vs missile, and -2 vs slashing. That gets reported as 4 (3 vs piercing and missile, 2 vs slashing).
But the character screen? That's reporting your base AC and the modifiers you have against each type; you have to do the math yourself.
Both the Shadow Armor and the Shadow Dragon Scale armor are based on studded leather; they're basically studded leather +3 and studded leather +6, before you get into the other abilities. So they have the same modifiers against each type, and that's what you're seeing on the character screen.
to put it more clearly, lets say my only source of armor is the chest armor. so:
Shadow Dragon Scale: armor class 1( -1 vs slashing, 0 vs piercing and missile)
Shadow Armor: armor class 4 (2 vs slashing, 3 vs piercing and missile)
now, in the character screen (the window u open with "i" key), i can see the difference between the 2 armors only for the value i wrote in italics (before the parenthesis). as i understand it, this value is the value that applies against crushing damage, cos for slashing/piercing and missile, the values in the parenthesis will take effect. correct?
this is just a random image from the internet. the value that i highlighted in red changes, depending on what armor i wear. but to the right of the red rectangle, if i scroll down a bit to see the values against piercing and missile or vs slashing - these value stay the same, weather im wearing an armor or the other.
now i would ask something else: if i have a weapon with damage/attack +2. +4 vs evil creatures, does that mean that against evil i have 2+4, or just 4?