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Where to level up at the beginning?

RedWizardRedWizard Member Posts: 242
Been quite a while since I last played BG, in fact I only played it once as opposed to the sequel.
Question is, where should I train my party until they are at least level 3? It seems like the wild areas at the beginning are quite hard... I mean, I can handle the normal enemies just fine with a party of level 1 characters, the main problem are the event battles with level 5+ bosses... like the crazy druid with 2(!!!!) cave bears or the mad cleric with a horde of crossbow wielding skellies (yeah I know it's optional but it just feels weird not to kill all the skelletons with him). It seems like it's mostly a matter of luck, as in I either manage to interrupt their casts or get hold to death and mauled by bears that kill me in 1 hit.
So, any easy quests besides the ones in Beregost/Friendly Arms Inn? Level 3 would also give me access to level 2 spells, which I think will greatly improve my chances of survival.


  • LapaLapa Member Posts: 73
    You can just kill Firebead Elvenhair at the beginning. You get 1-2 levels there and after u leave Candlekeep other NPC:s will also be about the same level as you are. Its kinda boring but thats one way.
  • begolf00begolf00 Member Posts: 152
    edited December 2012
    If your willing to reload a bit try the farm just North of the friendly arm Inn. You get like 900 xp from ankheads. They keep re-spawning to. It's almost to cheap lol. It is possible with low level characters to not have anyone die though usually only if the difficulty is turned down. Else you just get one shot. Make sure you have lots of potions.
  • jdejde Member Posts: 3
    Minor spoilers

    Have you done the quest with Melicamp yet? He's located on the same map as Bassillus (the mad cleric) to the north. Completing it will give you 2000 xp.

    There is also the quest with Barge. He's located in the area west of the map where you find Bassillus. Completing it will give you 1000 xp.
  • VetrilVetril Member Posts: 22
    I would go bear hunting as soon as I left Candlekeep. With lots of arrows.
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