User Interface Sucks :\

The reason I bought this game is I thought it would have better graphics and UI than the original. Turns out I was wrong on both counts 
Anyway, the following UI is really bugging me. I'm using a Windows PC.
1. Unable to back out of menus or conversations with ESC - forced to click the button every time
2. 'Options' menu should pop up when you hit ESC
I'll add to this list in a minute, friends just showed up at the door. Everyone else please feel free to add to the list in the meantime

Anyway, the following UI is really bugging me. I'm using a Windows PC.
1. Unable to back out of menus or conversations with ESC - forced to click the button every time
2. 'Options' menu should pop up when you hit ESC
I'll add to this list in a minute, friends just showed up at the door. Everyone else please feel free to add to the list in the meantime

Other things would be much better mouse scroll functionality thats missing in some cases, as well as moving the camera by holding the middle mouse button(instead of edge scrolling or arrow keys)
I just want them to enhance the damn thing, not just make it work(barely for some people)
3. Mouse scrolling only works in some windows
4. UI buttons around the edge of the screen are ugly, take too much screen space, and are hard to know what they do
5. No keyboard shortcut for save / load (that I'm aware of)
6. The game screen can't be minimized with alt-tab...very annoying
7. Need a keyboard shortcut to increase / decrease game speed (spend 90% of my time walking, which is pretty boring...)
More to come...
2. "O" brings you to the option screen.
3. Which windows?
4. If you hover your cursor over the buttons, a tooltip will appear with said button's description and sometimes hotkey. The UI is also easily manipulated; "Y" lets you hide the left interface, "U" lets you hide the right interface, "H" lets you hide the entire interface. Directly against the right side of the black dialogue box should be one (or two) gold buttons that allow you to change the size of the bottom UI, either by expanding or contracting.
5. Quick-save is "Q" and Quick-load is "L".
6. Alt-tab works fine for me... it may be a glitch.
7. Running wasn't an option in the original either, without mods... but I do feel a run option should be implemented.
2. Well, maybe, maybe not. I think right now ESC cancels your selected NPC's current action, which also makes sense.
3. Definitely a valid critique, and this "bug" (or simply forgotten feature) has also been reported, so I'm sure they'll fix it.
4. I don't really agree. This adds to the "oldschool" feeling in my opinion, and it's not that bad. You can also hover over the buttons to see a tooltip. Oh, and you have to keep in mind this will eventually run on touchscreen tablets.
5. Q for quicksave, L for quickload. You could have found out simply by looking at the gameplay options.
6. Alt-tab works fine for me, but I've seen a bugreport for this already, so I'm sure it'll get fixed soon enough.
I didn't find this out until yesterday, because I derped and missed it while fooling with the Gameplay options. I learned this all by experimental button-mashing :P
Numpad Enter key doesn't work when trying to move dialog along
Arrow keys only scroll in one direction at a time
That being said, I do love this game and the improvements that have been made to it by beamdog. I didn't expect it to come out of the gate being perfect. The great thing about this game is sooo many people love it and this company so far has shown that they will listen to the community. I just look at this stage in the game as an open beta. I look forward to when these bugs get ironed out and new dlc starts coming.
Good news! I'll have to try it out when I'm off work in a few hours.
Just 1 more that was bugging me today.
8. Tooltips - what's with the huge delay? I can't tell what items are, when they're on the ground. I missed picking up some dude's sword (quest item) because it looked like a normal short sword. It's also annoying to have to right click on people to know if they are commoners, guards, etc. so I know not to bother talking to them.
Hmm, I feel completely the opposite.
I think they did a great job with it. They could maybe streamline a few functions and give us more options for customization, but for me, it's a huge upgrade over the old.
Another thing is that a whole host of the complaints of things supposedly missing, was in fact there if you just take the time and look for them, maybe even look up the interface in the manual BEFORE creating a thread with such a condemning title...
In fact, I feel it's warranted that the OP changed the title to something else, like for instance:
"I'm new to this game and need a few pointers on the interface",
or something to that effect, and the same result would have been achieved, and the OP wouldnt have sounded aggressive even before the first post.
It is functional, but there isn't much exciting about it.
Back in the day I created "Emerikol's UI" for Dark Age of Camelot. The game was released a few years after BG I believe, and I had a good bit of freedom in creating a UI that was very functional and unobtrusive. I wish I could do the same for this game.
It's a balancing act to enhance a revered game like this.
I just want the tools and knowledge to modify it. I heard alot of that its still hard coded though.
If you go very far and deep in interface changes in a game like this, there's a huge risk that you'll go too far, and alienate your audience.