Weapons NOT Breaking?

This is my first time properly playing BG1, but i did attempt a playthrough a long time ago but it just wasn't running properly on my computer so i didn't keep it going. But even with my little previous experience, i've noticed one major difference in BG:EE
I remember when playing BG1 before that my weapons were ALWAYS breaking, which made perfect sense because of the iron crisis and i thought it was a nice little touch. However, many hours of playing so far, and not one weapon has broken on me in BG:EE! Even though it was an annoyance... i kind of miss it!
So I'm just wondering... Is this something that Overhaul decided to take out of the game? Or is it just my copy of the game being weird?
I remember when playing BG1 before that my weapons were ALWAYS breaking, which made perfect sense because of the iron crisis and i thought it was a nice little touch. However, many hours of playing so far, and not one weapon has broken on me in BG:EE! Even though it was an annoyance... i kind of miss it!
So I'm just wondering... Is this something that Overhaul decided to take out of the game? Or is it just my copy of the game being weird?
Because my kensai is really struggling with keeping up with the repair and replacement costs for all of the two-handed swords he's losing right now. Thing is, it jusst makes him angrier, which makes him hit stuff harder, and they break more often and so on...
(It's still in the game, and I believe it's a random chance kinda thing).
And if it is just ridiculously good fortune, here i am complaining about it! Some people are just never happy :-p
However, one thing I did notice, weapons always break for PC, not for the other members of your party.
Also i just beat the bandit camp
So far, i think i just broke a 2-handed sword from Minsc, and a battle hammer from Branwen, maybe another 1 that i don't remember but that's about it
But yeah, in this version of the game, even enemies weapons break. On more than one occasion ive heard the breakage noise and worried, only to read the message that a xvarts weapon has gone.