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Thanks Overhaul!

Hey guys and gals,
Thought I'd start a thank you thread. You took one of the greatest games of all time and made it playable for another good while. Thanks for that, and looking forward to your next project.


  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    We need to have a new category for all these thank yous
  • mercurymeltdownmercurymeltdown Member Posts: 49
    Most of the people who have positive things to say are too busy playing the game to respond to the whining.
  • darthchairdarthchair Member Posts: 191
    I didn't play the game at all today, but I have positive things to say. Haha
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    I have positive things to say!

    I just took a break to grab a drink..
  • joshykinsjoshykins Member Posts: 95
    Absolutely! Don't let all the negative rubbish cloud your mind on this release Overhaul, it's excellent! A few bugs need to be squashed here and there like any piece of software, but the game is great! Thank you and I'm extremely excited for BG2:EE!
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Well there's probably more than "a few" bugs that need squashing... but yes! Thank you for making BG:EE :)
  • KomarrKomarr Member Posts: 80
    Overall I think they did an excellent job. In some ways the age of the original code and lack of important items like the original art assets probably made this a harder job then starting from scratch. In the end, while I'm very happy with the game and new content I've seen (so far) I also consider supporting this and buying BG2EE an investment in (hopefully) seeing a BG3 someday.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    I started off playing Planescape: Torment. I really enjoy games with rich dialogue, detailed journals, and a general writing attitude of getting a feel for the world around you. This is sadly lacking in many modern games - games I also enjoy - but I understand that not all games can nor should be the same.

    Eh... I get off track easily >_>

    Anyways, it's definitely refreshing playing a story-rich game again!
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    @MedullaOblongata I wish i could play PST lol im still hoping one day ill be able too =(
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
  • ArakinArakin Member Posts: 16
    I want to say a few words as well. I had problem at first, so of course I was angry. But when I managed to get the game working, all was forgiven. I like how the way things looks and BG2 features (I never played with TuTu) it makes everything more easier for me, because I had a hard time figuring out what was what (I thought High Hedge was a circus the first time)

    I like you put Tales of the Sword Coast in this, because I couldn't play it back in the original due to bugs and I tried everything. When I managed to play a fraction, but was only stopped by the "Put Disc" screen.

    What really makes the game for me was Neera, Rassad and Dorn. I like their personalities and how they really enhanced the story for me and it makes it sorta deeper. I enjoy each of their side story, making me explore more of the Sword Coast.

    I like the new cinematic so far, (except the new intro) it really makes it more up to date.

    The most important thing is, that I am having so much fun playing the game, more than I did with the original BG. With the exception of starting the game part, I haven't faced any bugs, which is really lucky for me. I am sorry for those who are having troubles with the bugs.

    Again Overhaul, I thank you for this game and I can't wait to BG2:EE.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280


    Lol ill take the PST not so much the bacon lol I never liked bacon. I know im a horrible person lol.

  • PinkRosePinkRose Member Posts: 102
    I don't even know what to say to you, smb1987.
    But other than that, Thank you, Overhaul.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Yeah. I beat the game for the first time a couple months ago, vanilla obviously, and I'm loving this enhanced edition way more. Mainly because Rasaad... I love Rasaad! And Neera, I just kicked out Dorn for coran, maybe kivan later, and gonna pick him back up when I unlock BG city and can continue his quest. Then he's gone again! A lot more fun so far, more in depth, I feel like I'm getting sucked in again like I haven't in a while.
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Bumping this.. Nice one overhaul... Look forward to the DLC (Adventure Y??????) and BG2EE. Im glad this game will now have renewed support.
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