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BGEE Romances and Reform Party

Hey all, just a quick question, what is the behaviour for removing party members in EE, will it kill the romance as in BG2 or is it ok?



  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    No idea. My advice is to figure out the relevant global variable and check it after a boot and rejoin. There is a tutorial on here for setting up shadowkeeper, which is an easy way of looking at all of your character's global variables.

    Out of curiosity, did you choose that username specifically to post this question? If not, what a remarkable coincidence.
  • eroseros Member Posts: 5
    Thanks, I was thinking of that. Was pretty happy when I realised the CLUA console still worked.

    Hehe, yeah just a coincidence, lol, hadn't realised that when i posted.
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