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Help me choose a new class to play? :D

Hey peeps,

So i just got this and i'm looking to create a character which goes straight through to TOB EE. I love the Baldur's Gate series and have played them from release :). That said I have only really ever played a classic fighter or a mage which then progressed onto a sorcerer after I understood all the spells and got a good knowledge of them...

I might play a sorc again as I like my main char to be OP and a whirlwind of uttter destruction but I'd also like to try something different?

Anyone got any suggestions?

Bear in mind...

The character class/kit must be good for BG2 and TOB aswell.

Must be overpowered (Child of Bhaal etc, just fits in with my rp experience. IMO he shouldn't be normal and slightly better than other standard adventurers etc)

Must be a relatively fun class to play (I know this sounds vague and fun is indeed relative to an individuals preferences but I hope you understand what I mean)

I have heard good things about the Kensai/Mage but I also heard you are literally a bum to start with until your dual class comes bk through, which could be a problem for BG1. I've also never really ever focussed on thieves backstabbing,please don't all attack me :P, but heard they can be very good too. I used to use them as ranged snipers/jack of all trades and ppl who gained the party alot of extra xp by disraming traps, picking locks etc.

That said, i'm sure there are plenty of other options too.

Any advice/opinions would be very much appreciated!

Thanks ppls and enjoy BG! :)


  • WhysperWhysper Member Posts: 3
    I'm currently playing a human wizard slayer... nice flavour and has less difficulty associated with it in BG1 than 2, since there aren't so many amazing non-arms/armour items... get the wizard slayer to level 15 in BG2 and then dual-class to a thief, when you get use any item you can... well... use any item, so the drawback from the wizard slayer is non-existent! Plus you can backstab with your weapon of choice and mages don't stand a chance; if you deck yourself out in every magic resistance item you can find in SoA I think you can reach 95%. Of course as with any dualclass character you're going to be relying on your party for the dead levels before you regain your weapon proficiencies/THAC0.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    sorcerer is fun and overpower. I tried a game with a sorcerer w/ min stats (talking about 3's and 9's in character stats) and still beat the game in bg2 and tob.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    sorcerer, ranger/cleric, fighter/illusionist, cleric/illusionist, fighter/mage/thief.
    these are basically the classes who are extremely OP, and stay that way from level 1 till ToB finale.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Multiclass characters are very good in bg1, lack a bit in bg2, and are awesome again in ToB. Dwarf F/C is pretty ridiculous throughout, and when he can draw on fighter HLAs on top of priest buffs, he becomes pretty rad.

    Human berserker will rock BG1 one, as berserk protects against many of the most crippling early game foes. (Clerics, Ghasts, Nimbul, Tarnesh Mulahey etc) You can then dual him to your class of choice in BG2. Not as powerful as a kensai, but will beat bg1 a lot more easily. Typical duals are to cleric or druid to become a really effective tank.

    Blade is pretty ridiculous as soon as he starts casting spells. In bg1, his faster level progression means he is a more powerful caster than the mage, even thought he doesn't get as many slots. Level 10 bard can petrify with chromatic orb. Late game, the blade's offensive spin plus timestop trap is a ridiculous amount of easy damage. He also gets to take improved bard song, which is really good.

    One of the classic powergamer builds is the cleric/ranger, dual or multi. Because of a quirk in the engine, C/r's get full access to all divine spells, druid and cleric. Even if you dual from ranger at 2, you'll get full spells.

    Fighter/thief elves are really good, with devastating backstabs, not to mention access to thief HLAs
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Cool. The Ranger Cleric seems interesting. Will try and scoure the net for a guide or maybe some tips on the class. If anyone has any advice that would help. Might give it a shot, what are your opinions on a Kensai/Mage? Worth the wait? Is it worth me playing as? It does seem quite up my street aswell :)
  • GuarocuyaGuarocuya Member Posts: 26's_Gate:_Classes_and_Kits's_Gate:_Dual_and_Multiclassing

    The above are good starting points over classes and how to play them.

    Kensage is generally recognized as one of the most abusive ones to play but you can try a Berserker/Mage as it'll be easier on you on BG1 until SOA. Afterwards (TOB and on) the Kensage will be devastating.
  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    well... no. to become an adept kensage, you'll need to wait for lvl 7 at least, but anything under 13 is considered sacrilege by most. you can't pull that off in BGEE.
    ...and, to be honest, going by the fighter-mage shtick, fighter/mage/thief is way more fun and diverse than kensai -> mage - you have the same tanking abilities and damage (well, almost), you can backstab, you can scout, lay traps, hide behind layers of magical protection, or just go ahead and dickpunch everybody who gets in your way... it's an amazing class.
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